The Target?


But why male models?

  • Widen majority of customer base from 3 countries to {{total_countries}}
  • Provide quality investing research for otherwise neglected markets
  • Single greatest multiplier we can apply to our reach
  • We already have users from other countries using our product but only for their US companies
  • People are looking for investment ideas, why not show them everything IN THE WORLD
  • Startups with global reach are the ones that scale exponentially

China & India in one fell swoop

We're not an MVP anymore

  • Feature freeze
  • Lets make our code great again
  • Improve retention to an acceptable level
  • Focus on confidence in the platform
  • Don't be evil

How get markets?

  1. Raise a lot of money
  2. Purchase all the markets from Cap IQ
  3. Add to the analysis getting system
  4. Someone asks what tests are
  5. ???
  6. Profit!


  • We fail to break into the India/China markets
  • Data quality is too poor to use
  • Way too expensive for developing markets
  • Language barrier
  • Our product is too immature to be introduced to these markets


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