By: Jaimin Gohel
Most popular open source server side scripting language. Almost 82% of the web 2.0 is built with php.
There are about 5 million PHP developers worldwide.
Some of the biggest on-line brands such as Facebook, Flickr, wordpress, and Yahoo! are powered by PHP.
PHP framework is a library that makes the life of site developer easier by for example hiding some complexities of HTTP protocol or by adding some useful functions.
Have some built in functions for obvious tasks like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.
example: wordpress, joomla, magento, laravel.
Laravel Philosophy
$users = User::paginate(5);
php artisan make:controller SampleController
The Laravel framework has a few system requirements:
1.0 Introduction to routing, controller and views
2.0 Passing Data to Views
3.0 Little more about Blade
4.0 Environments and Configuration
5.0 Migrations
6.0 Eloquent
7.0 Basic Model-Controller-View Workflow
8.0 Forms