CPU, disks, mouse, printer, etc.
System software
Operating system
Application software
Computer games
Word processors
Internet browsers
Recognises and installs peripheral devices
Manages files and folders
Shares out system memory
Handles system errors and alerts user
Manages system security
Allows software to communicate with hardware
Moves data to and from the hard disk
Loads and runs other software applications
Handles inputs and outputs
The operating system handles the computer's memory and the sharing of the central processing unit (CPU). Makes sure each application gets the correct and adequate resources.
Key functions:
Specially written program which translates the commands from an operating system into commands that the hardware will understand.
FAT - file allocation table
NTFS - new technology file system
ext4, btfs, xfs - other file systems
Allows the computer to perform useful tasks.
The network manager will want to know if there has been any unusual access to the network, this might indicate hacking.
Maintenance utilities are not essential for the computer to work but make the computer more secure or work more smoothly.
An example would be disk defragmentation software, this keeps the hard disk tidy and reduces read/write time.
Security software is designed to prevent and catch security problems. Such as anti-virus software to stop viruses/trojan horse software from getting into a computer system before it can cause damage.
Operating system software is the collection of programs that allow a computer to operate.
They include the operating system, utilities, library routines and program translators.
Application software are the programs that allow the user to perform tasks.
For example word processing software to write documents.