Group 6: Fun Fun Cheng, Kate Doyle, Ingrid Lyons, Jason Samuels, Nicole Tommerdahl
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fair and equal access to opportunities, power and resources so that all people achieve their full potential and thrive. Equity is an ardent journey toward well-being as defined by those most negatively affected
Equity is when everyone, including members of diverse communities, has the opportunities necessary to satisfy their essential needs, advance their well-being and achieve their full potential
equity means fair and just opportunities and outcomes for all people
The moral value of equity resonated as a valid reason for achieving equity.
Explicitly addressed poverty and racial segregation
Called on planners to be socially active by representing marginalized voices and promoting equity in planning processes
Equity achieved through the principle of redistribution by prioritizing the needs of those who are “less favored by present condition” within a context of limited urban development resources
The moral value of equity advocated by Krumholz can still be found in the language of equity strategic plans
equity is fundamental to the society we seek to build
committed to ensuring all people in the region have the opportunity to thrive in all aspects of social well-being
is "targeting its resources to making a noticeable impact on disparities"
Targeted strategies for reducing disparities, such as racially-based, became politically unfeasible
Those who worked towards equity weren’t necessarily able to move from equitable process to actual equitable outcomes.
Economic downturns
Recessions in 1970’s and 1980’s
The Great Recession of 2008 to 2009
Neo-liberalism's influence on equity strategic plans
inequities undermine our collective prosperity and threaten our ability to remain globally competitive
our current and future diversity will help develop and maintain sustainable economic growth
Racial Equity Policy Work Group has made diversity and equity a business goal and included mission and vision statements to support this framing
Created by john a. powell as a response to the dichotomy of moral value vs. economic value; democratic goals vs. free market capitalism
Combines the terms “Targeted” (for a specific population) and “Universalism” (for everyone)
“Targeted within universalism means identifying a problem, particularly one suffered by marginalized people, proposing a solution, and then broadening its scope to cover as many people as possible.”
Targeted universalism in equity strategic planning
we must approach with targeted universalism - where we define goals for all, identify obstacles faced by specific groups, and build on assets to tailor strategies to address the barriers in those situations
by addressing the barriers experienced by people of color, we will effectively also identify solutions and remove barriers of other disadvantaged groups
racial inequities are addressed and eliminated so all Minneapolis residents can participate and prosper
King county |
Portland |
Minneapolis |
1.9 million residents |
1.6 million residents |
400 thousand residents |
2,037 square miles |
463 square miles |
54 square miles |
All three areas are majority-white geographies with inequities embedded into their histories and systems
King County: Equity planning led by Office of Equity and Social Justice, with key support from the County Council
Portland: Metro council stakeholder committee called the Committee on Racial Equity (C.O.R.E.)
Minneapolis: Community activist pressure, especially in the wake of the death of Jamar Clark. Mayor Hodges won election in 2013 on an equity-focused platform, ran into some political resistance on the City Council
Included deep internal and external networking - developing relationships was a key outcome
Internal: More than 600 county employees were included in the development of King County's plan
External: Talks included 160 local organizations, ranging from community, education, philanthropy, labor, business, and other local governments
The Office of Equity and Strategic Justice was created in 2015, facilitated creation of the King County Equity and Strategic Justice Plan
Goal areas will be implemented in two year cycles, aligned with the County's biennial budget process
The City of Seattle - 2017 Adopted and 2018 Endorsed Budget lists in detail ways that the city's budget supports Race and Social Justice initiatives
78 pages, divided into sections based on function of government
Each section contains an analysis of the current situation and strategic actions and goals to address current racial inequality
A King County where all people have equitable opportunities to thrive.
King County identifies 21 total goals, 3 to 4 for each of the six goal areas
Goal 1: Develop effective and accountable leadership for advancing ESJ
Goal 2: Develop an organization where all employees are change agents
Goal 3: Visibly and public display progress on ESJ
Goal 4: County operations, programs and services are pro-equity and reflect ESJ values
Goal 1: Department and agency business plans include analyses of equity impacts
Goal 2: Policy guidance incorporates ESJ values and analysis
Goal 3: Budget decisions, rates, and allocations reflect the values and strategies of the ESJ strategic plan
Goal 1: Require an equitable, engaged and racially just workplace culture
Goal 2: Do systematic and equitable workforce development at all levels
Goal 3: Have and resource equitable employee development and access to opportunities
Goal 4: Build an organization of equitable access to and shared decision making
Goal 1: Systematically provide resource support to community-based organizations to leverage their expertise toward advancing ESJ outcomes
Goal 2: Create pro-equity contracting processes that are visible and accessible to contractors of varied size and capacity
Goal 3: Provide non-monetary support to community-based partners that build their internal capacities
Goal 1: Focused on languages, update tools for public-facing communication and education to align with demographic changes
Goal 2: Develop tools for better engagement and access to services
Goal 3: Focused on technology access, improve use of internet, social media and mobile tools to engage and hear from under-served residents
Goal 4: Increase collaboration and language-related resources for employees to ensure inclusive engagement of residents in decision-making
Goal 1: Master and Line of Business (LoB) plans include clear objectives to advance ESJ
Goal 2: Capital development policy, budgets, portfolios and programs are pro-equity and contribute to improved community conditions
Goal 3: Responsibility for pro-equity progress is clearly defined at agency/department, division and section levels
The King County plan identifies four key strategies. Within each of the six goal areas, 61 strategic objectives are identified by key strategy. Example:
The implementation plan details proposed actions for the immediate future, and identifies stakeholders who are accountable for implementing those actions
40 actions are identified within the next year
43 actions are identified for 2017 and 2018
Policy Areas are in three-year cycles, and Goal Areas are in two-year cycles. The latter is aligned with the County's budget process
SMART objectives are articulated to help measure progress
Build plan goals into department director contracts/agreements
Undertake a biennial "plan, do, check, adjust" process
Participants involved included current and former council members, council staff from more than a dozen departments, nearly 20 multicultural community organizations, advisory committees made up of over two dozen community members
Consulted with four different organizations or individuals with specialties in equity strategy
External stakeholder engagement included citizen advisory committees, a public engagement committee, and a public engagement review network
Metro adopted equity as one of the region's six desired outcomes in 2010
Operates alongside the Diversity Action Plan
In 2012, Metro initiated the Equity Strategy Program
Equity Inventory Report
Equity Strategy Advisory Committee
Creation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program
5-year process for goals
106 pages, including appendices
Goes in depth on five key goals and corresponding action plans
Defines key terms in sidebars to help clarify how Metro defines concepts
Also includes an implementation section, evaluation framework, & an analysis and decision support tool
Metro's plan does not explicitly identify a vision, states its mission as:
Metro is committed to working together with people, businesses, nonprofit organizations and public partners to create a Portland region where: all individuals and communities benefit from a strong economy; racial equity is recognized as the backbone of good governance; our public structures, institutions and processes address social and economic disparities for people of color; diversity is celebrated and all communities meaningfully participate in public decision-making.
Metro's plan identifies five goal areas and 15 total objectives
Objective 1: Convene regional partners to advance coordinated regional equity efforts
Objective 2: Provide technical support to regional jurisdictions to advance equity efforts
Objective 3: Produce and provide research and information to support regional jurisdictions in advancing equity efforts
Objective 4: Work with regional partners to increase the utilization of local minority, women, and emerging small businesses and the number of skilled construction tradespeople of color
Objective 1: Establish and strengthen relationships with communities of color
Objective 2: Increase accountability by ensuring community involvement in the evaluation and implementation efforts
Objective 3: Increase participation of communities of color in Metro decision-making
Objective 1: Metro’s culture supports staff’s ability to advance regional equity
Objective 2: Increase the skills of staff in advancing regional equity
Objective 3: Racial makeup of Metro staff at every level more closely resembles the demographics of the region
Objective 1: Increase the number of individuals of color who access Metro
services and facilities
Objective 2: Metro’s properties are more welcoming and reflective of all cultures
Objective 3: Increase the accessibility and relevance of Metro’s programs and services to communities of color
Objective 1: Increase the utilization of equity criteria in resource allocation
Objective 2: Advance social equity contracting at Metro
15 objectives are detailed as 46 challenges and 77 strategic actions. Example:
Plan: Diversity Equity and Inclusion assign actions identified in Strategic Plan
Act: Action teams develop workplans detailing how
the action will be achieved and measured to determine
its success
Check: Strategic Plan Evaluation Team (guided by a
professional evaluator) conducts participatory impact
evaluation goals, objectives and actions
Adjust: Team creates an evaluation report with findings and recommendations. Adjustments made with an eye toward continual improvement
Nascent stages of developing an equity strategic plan - much of outreach and formulation to date has taken place with internal stakeholders
Held a series of focus groups in early-2015 to establish themes that illustrate what defines equity
Many stakeholders were representatives of internal city departments, some community organizations at the table
Minneapolis established a joint steering committee with Hennepin County on reducing racial disparities in 2008
2012 City Council resolution called for development of an Equity Assessment Toolkit
2015 City Coordinator's office hired two equity and inclusion managers
To gain a comprehensive understanding of equity strategic planning efforts happening in Minneapolis, must piece together and synthesize information from multiple sources
Does not provide readers with a framework to understand its strategic planning efforts
In the City of Minneapolis 2014 strategic plan, Equity was identified as one of six key values
We will be a city of fair and just opportunities & outcomes for all people
The corresponding strategic goal in the city's overall strategic plan is called One Minneapolis
The City's strategic plan lists a number of community indicators for each strategic goal. The indicators for the One Minneapolis goal are: unemployment, poverty, resident trust, healthy food access, equitable justice system, reading proficiency, asthma, infant mortality
In 2015 these equity goals were identified from a series of conversations:
Creating market parity in the city enterprise workforce by 2020
Improving racial diversity in the city enterprise workforce to be reflective of city demographics per the decennial census
Increasing participation of minority businesses to 12% of total open market procurement by 2020
Improving board and commission membership to be reflective of city demographics by 2020
Apply a racial equity lens to all programs and projects
Build racial equity into policies and city-wide initiatives
Partner with other institutions and communities
The City Goal Results Minneapolis program tracks specific community indicators for broader long-term goals
One Minneapolis goals that have been reported on: healthy food access; resident trust of City government; unemployment rate
One Minneapolis goal in an upcoming report: equitable justice system
The City Council adopted the Blueprint for Equitable Engagement in May 2016, which the Neighborhood and Community Relations Department uses as a roadmap to achieve innovative and equitable engagement
Additional actions that Minneapolis has taken:
Substantial effort has gone into improving policing, policy-community relations
Police have been outfitted with body cameras
Significant effort is going into police officer training in implicit bias, procedural justice, crisis intervention
The City of Minneapolis has been working for years on improving what it calls its Results Management Cycle
Four focus areas for enterprise racial equity efforts:
recruitment and hiring
boards and commissions
racial equity assessment tool
August 2013: Equity Resolution Adopted
January 2014: Drafts of Toolkit Equity Assessment and Team Structure developed
March 2014: Goals and values adopted
May 2014: Start of development of Racial Equity Action Plan
September 2014: Racial Equity Staff Orientation
2015: Internal and Third-Party Evaluation of Activities
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