I like building stuff.
Software Engineer. Entrepreneur. Aspiring Hacker. Community Builder.
(Jason Sewell)
Sudokrew / DevLeague
Different Events and Models We've Experienced
Details can get overwhelming.
Start with the big picture.
Do This First and Communicate This To Everyone
Integrity is everything in building community.
Define your guiding principles and drive all decisions back to those guiding principles.
Communicate your mission.
People are giving you their time. Time is valuable.
Remember the event is for them.
Be very clear in what you consider a successful outcome and try to make it a single statement.
This is what you're working towards.
Don't lose sight of the long term vision for short term distractions.
A strong community is built over time.
It is better to have the right audience rather than the biggest audience.
Speak their language and be inclusive.
Be very clear about ownership of ideas and follow on opportunities and expectations.
An idea is only as valuable as it's execution.
If you're building community, be careful about prizes.
Competition is a slippery slope.
Organizers always do and should have a goal in mind but caring for your community should always be a top priority.
Listen to them.
Make it an experience that you, your participants, and your team walk away with as a great experience.
A great experience is more valuable and long lasting than any prize.