Javier Sajuria*, Jennifer vanHeerde-Hudson*, David Hudson*, Niheer Dasandi* & Yannis Theocharis**
* University College London ** University of Mannheim
Is there evidence of social capital in online networks? In which way?
Putnam claims that ICTs are not able to create social capital for 4 reasons:
Communitarian approaches are more concerned about the aggregate benefits of social capital.
They understand social capital as networks able to mobilise resources and information, based on norms of trust and reciprocity.
Putnam argues that social capital can be separated between bridging and bonding.
Bridging: Inter-group ties
Bonding: Intra-group ties
However, he claims the difficulty of measuring them. In most cases, researchers rely on self-reported data.
We test observed Twitter networks against network simulations using three widely used theoretical models:
Three "Twitter events":
Two measures were used as metrics for brokerage and closure.
Brokerage -> Average Network Constraint Index
Constraint refers to the ability of a node of concentrating connections and being able to move information across the network
Closure -> Average Local Clustering Coefficient
This measure accounts for how close is a node's neighbourhood of becoming a clique.