Community Digital Access & Digital Navigators RFI Respondents Conference


Regional Broadband  Convening

Meeting III



Sport that should be in the Olympics but is not?


Welcome and Meeting Goals

Community Exchange Waterfall

Ed. Superhighway Broadband Adoption Pilot

MAPC Digital Navigators RFI


Next Steps

Please post questions and comments in the chat!

Meeting Goals

Highlight programs designed to build community capacity to address digital access issues

Present details of the Digital Navigators RFI and answer your questions!


Support municipalities in acheiving their goals related to Digital Access

Advocating for State resources that will support municipal and community efforts to close the digital divide.

Develop purchasing or other procurement vehicles for collective uses.

Communications Update:


Regional Digital Access Slack Channel


MAPC can provide a guest Slack account for use.

  • Post updates, articles, data sources, insights.
  • Allow for cross organizational sharing and coordination.
  • Save inboxes and allow for ongoing conversations


Guidelines for the Slack Channel

  • Be respectful
  • Acknowledge different backgrounds and levels of familiarity with topic
  • No pressure to participate!

Community Exchange Waterfall



Update on Digital Access work​


Questions for related to Digital Access or ARPA   

Education Superhighway Broadband Adoption

MAPC Digital Navigators RFI

DRAFT Principles for Local Government

Remove affordability and adoption barriers that prevent universal access to reliable and high speed internet.

Ensure all residents who desire to improve their digital / technology literacy have a pathway to educational opportunities at a range of skill levels, offered in community appropriate languages and settings.

Augment the capacity of key stakeholders such as IT Departments, School Districts, Libraries, Community based organizations, and municipal staff to address the digital divide

Promote competition among internet service providers offering broadband service.

Recognize the importance of proactively investing in cybersecurity measures.

DRAFT Principles for State Government

Augment ARPA funds made available to municipalities for those municipalities who have been hit hardest by COVID (health and unemployment) and likely have competing needs for funds in other areas that may outweigh digital divide issues.

Build the nascent capacity of local government and community groups in the area of the digital divide and digital infrastructure.

Catalyze additional investment by municipalities and private sector actors to improve affordability, reliability, and speed of the internet; as well as market competition for broadband service.

Diagnosing the Problem

Draft Research Findings from Chelsea, Everett, and Revere Digital Access Planning Process

Digital Justice Principles: Access

  • Digital justice ensures that all members of our community have equal access to media and technology, as producers as well as consumers.
  • Digital justice provides multiple layers of communications infrastructure in order to ensure that every member of the community has access to lifesaving emergency information.
  • Digital justice values all different languages, dialects and forms of communication.

Source: Allied Media, Teaching Community Technology Handbook

Three Determining Factors of Digital Access



Adequate Device





Personal Computer /Laptop

Use of Technology​

Ensuring functioning equipment​

Evaluating quality of information and privacy risks​


Is it Fast?

40 – 50%
of households in Chelsea Everett, and Revere with internet access do not have "broadband" speeds​



Speed Sources: MLab, Microsoft US Broadband Usage, Demographic Source:  US Census ACS 5 Year, 2019

"I live in a 40 unit mid-rise and am told by the internet provider that most of the issues are because the wiring in the building is old.  The provider says it's not their problem. We have interruptions all the time, no notice, residents just start calling each other to see if they have wi-fi. Could be down for hours. I work from home and it's a real issue for me."

Is it Reliable?


~19% of
Chelsea, Everett, and Revere households lack internet service.​


of survey respondents do not believe their internet service is affordable.


of survey respondents have had to cancel or change their internet subscription because it is too expensive​

Is it Affordable?

Sources:  US Census ACS 5 Year, 2019. 

MAPC Community Digital Needs Assessment 2021

"Necesitamos que el costo del internet sea mas justo


We need the cost of the internet to be fairer"

Device Access 

How accessible are devices?

of Chelsea & Revere households have no computing device at all


of survey respondents disagree with "People in my household always have access to a computer if needed."

About 60%
of Chelsea, Everett and Revere households with internet lease a router from their service provider



Are routers adequate?


Device Source, Computers: US Census ACS 5 Year, 2019.  Device Source, Routers:  MAPC Survey - 6/29/21

"Our internet speed greatly improved after we bought our own router; the routers provided by our provider don't seem to be very good"

Literacy in Chelsea & Revere

Using Technology

of survey respondents agree with "I feel confident in my ability to use a computer/laptop/Chromebook

of survey respondents agree with "I feel confident that I am able to resolve issues related to my internet connection"

Ensuring Functioning Equipment

Evaluating Information and Privacy Risks

Anecdotal information gleaned from stakeholder conversations indicates that there are serious concerns related to privacy, particularly among the immigrant population

Source:  MAPC Survey - 5/26/21

Internet Subsidies

families in Massachusetts are eligible for Internet Essentials and the Emergency Broadband benefit fund


Comcast Internet Essentials Plan offers basic internet service for $10 / Month to income eligible households (SNAP, Free or Reduced Lunch, etc)


The Emergency Broadband Benefit program will subsidize $50 for all service plans - as of June 29th only 30,000 households in the program


Only 30,000
households have taken advantage of EBB since May 16 2021

Source:  Universal Services Administrative Co, National Center for Education Statistics, MAPC Digital Access Survey 6/29/2021

"سمعت بأن شركة كومكاست توفر انترنت مجاني لأصحاب الدخل المحدود .هل هذا صحيح؟


I heard that internet service companies provide free internet to people with limited income. Is this true?"

Legacy of Cable

Image Source:

Why is it this way?

The cable infrastructure at the household level is likely impacting service and reliability.


A lack of competition, shrinking cable service revenues, and a lower income service area are likely disincentives for investment from the private sector.


At the household level, individuals are likely using outdated or ineffective routers and devices.


Internet subscribers may not have the confidence or technical skills to trouble shoot internet speed or function issues.


Larger households who may need faster speed packages may be cost burdened and unable to afford those plans.


Individuals who are eligible for subsidized services may not be taking advantage of them due to a lack of information, trust, stable housing, documentation, or other structural and social factors.

Potential ARPA Funded Uses

Starting Practices

  • Quantify the issue and understand the needs
  • Coordinate stakeholders
  • Guide decision making
  • Better understanding current public assets that could be leveraged (fiber, rooftops infrastructure, etc.)

Develop a Digital Equity and Access Plan

Digital Equity Trust Fund to Purchase PC's, Routers, and Bulk Internet Subscriptions



Plans w/ MAPC underway in Everett, Revere & Chelsea

Library / School Device Lending Programs

  • Develop funding pool to invest in community initiatives
  • Make devices available through programs at libraries & schools 
  • Support computer purchasing or refurbishment programs

Digital Navigators / Digital Stewards

Digital Navigators

Digital Stewards

  • Different from Navigators, Digital Stewards are community members who receive advanced training in internet network technology. 
  • They are able to support community-focused WiFi programs that support free and open internet networks.
  • Individuals who address the whole digital inclusion process — home connectivity, devices, and digital skills
  • Navigators can be volunteers or cross-trained staff who already work in social service agencies, libraries, health, and more who offer remote and socially distant in-person guidance. Can help support the critical issue of adoption as well as access.



Open WiFi

Affordable Housing Open Networks

Community Mesh Networks


Education Super Highway ESH in Oakland

  • Utilize commercial or municipal internet networks to access high-speed wireless signals via a rooftop receiver.
  • Make wifi access default. Leverage common spaces and broadcast on an open access router system for in-unit access.


The People's Network Helium Routers

  • A distributed system of routers and devices that work in concert to provide internet access to users within a given geography, owned and managed by the community.
  • Explore revenue-generating equipment like Soofa Signs and Helium Routers 

Increased Competition & Infrastructure Options

Open Access & Institutional Networks

Partnerships with ISPs



  • Public ownership does not mean being Internet Service Provider
  • Different models exist some connect to residences, other connect anchor institutions like municipal networks and high education.
  • An opportunity that expands municipal fiber infrastructure, networks and connect 
  • Partnering with Public or Private Equity to bringing fiber closer to the end-user by pulling it into buildings
  • Retrofitting buildings with outdated wiring
  • Leverage cable franchise agreement
  • RFP for use of assets like rooftops
  • Qualifying residents based on need, removing the administrative burden from resident and companies. 

Open Cape / OSHEAN / 

Infrastructure Upgrades

Pull Fiber to Buildings and Retrofit Coaxial

Expand Municipal Fiber Infrastructure

ISP Fiber is typically limited to privately owned infrastructure. Bringing fiber closer to the end user by pulling it into buildings will improve speed and reliability of service (although may not impact price without other strategies).

Municipal fiber has traditionally been limited to a loop that connects public buildings like schools, town hall, and libraries.  Expanding municipal fiber, or at least conduit can serve to open new options for public and commercial connectivity.

Fiber Retrofits

San Francisco Public Housing

Cambridge MA

Expanded Municipal Infrastructure

Santa Monica

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