MVC, server-side scripting, and the future of web development
CSIT570 12/12/2013
Final exam == class presentation
Thursday the 19th (next week) 5:30pm
Class Presentation requirements
Your project must be online and working (use your msuweb account or whatever hosting you may have)
** Slides are not required, but they will probably help you **
Your presentation must include the following:
- an introduction to yourself and
your background in web development
- a description of your project
- a viewing of your project wireframe
- demo of your site and all of its functionality
- a viewing of your documentation
final project rubric
Appropriate project theme: 10pts
- 5+ properties per object: 20pts
- 20+ objects in feed: 30pts
- pull in feed to web page: 30pts
- search all: 40pts
- search by property: 20pts
- wireframe: 10pts
- documentation: 20pts
- styling of page and responsiveness: 30pts
- Clear understandable presentation: 40 pts
Total: 250pts
Today's topics
MVC architecture
JavaScript frameworks
server-side scripting with JavaScript
programming hardware with JavaScript
data, behavior, functions to update View
and Controller with any updates. stores PERSISTENT state.
user interface updated by Model
controls and sends commands to the Model. stores APPLICATION state.
MOdel View Controller
This is a software architecture widely adopted by most programming languages, and increasingly becoming popular in web development.
Choosing an architecture like MVC makes it easier to manage large-scale and complex web applications.
Examples of MVC Frameworks for javascript developers
Toolkits for creating your own javascript frameworks
in-class activity
We're going to dive into Ember together!
Go to
and download the Starter Kit and unzip it
javascript is not just
for the client side
Allows you to run a server using JavaScript for web applications, and also...
hardware and js
node bots + arduino