React Native London 

April+May 2017

Nathan Gaberel

Bootstrap an app in 15 minutes with Firebase and sagas

Stefano Cremano

Hybrid Swift iOS / React-Native app using Xcode Storyboards

The Speakers

Our Host

Our Sponsor

React Native News 

Release v0.44

  • Remove support for @provides
  •  Only call batchDidComplete when there were actually native calls dispatched

  • <MapView /> removed (previously deprecated)

Airbnb acquired its React Native partner Deco Software, Deco IDE goes open source

react-native-calendars open sourced by Wix: 600 since early May

<Calendar />

<CalendarList />

<Agenda />

React-Native powering SeeFood,

HBO Silicon Valley's App

React-Native London

Meetup is evolving!


Community Apps


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