Wifi: DevMountain

Wifi password : ES6javascript

Skilling Up

The Space


  • You should expect to struggle
  • You should expect to feel behind others
  • You should expect to feel overwhelmed
  • You should expect to work harder than you ever have before

We only have 16 weeks!

What you are paying for

  • Direct instruction from industry professionals
  • Modern, project-based, refined curriculum
  • 24/7 hack space
  • Network + alumni

What you are not paying for

24/7 access to instructors


A static skillset

A personalized, 1:1 experience


Do's 👍

  • Respect peers, students, mentors
  • Go "all in"
  • Have fun
  • Build relationships, not a competition
  • Work with your mentor
  • Every single project

Don'ts 👎

  • Miss class (email/slack in case of emergency)
  • Leave early
  • Mess with the learning environment
  • Compare yourself to others
  • In-class relationships
  • Drugs/alcohol

3 Days

Work hard, be nice to people.

Daily Schedule

Preclass:    🚀 Watch Video

6:00pm:     🖥 Guided Project

7:00pm -

9:00pm:     🙋🏼 Individual Project

Class time is not enough.

A Week at DevMountain

Tues 6-9:    🖥 Class

Wed 6-9:    🙋🏼 Climb Night (optional)

Thurs 6-9:  🖥 Class

Sat 9-2:      🖥 Class


  • Earn a 3rd party certificate vetting your skills.

  • Show your mastery of core skills

    • ​HTML/CSS

    • Basic Javascript

    • Intermediate Javascript

    • Angular

    • Node

    • SQL

  • One personal project, one collaborative project

    • No time in this course for this

Working With Your Mentors

  • 5-10 minute rule
  • The Queue
  • Pair Programming
  • Code review
  • Mentor Checkin

Come Up With the Question


Why Flipped?

Follow video. Write down questions. Add questions to Queue or slack.

Review and extend during class. 

Ready for The First day of class

Slack. Github. IDE / Environment. Preclass Resources.

Watch the first lecture video on git.

Two Types of Discomfort

  1. Legitimate mistake or issue on DevMountain's part

  2. Designed discomfort

Provo After Hours Lead

Luis Hernandez


Web Dev Director

Jeremy Robertson




Why You're Here

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