for JavaScripters
the states of entangled qubits cannot be described independently of each other
Theories pointing to the possibility the first calculations of a quantum nature began to emerge.
Theory becomes practice: first experiments, quantum algorithms/applications and the first machines capable of performing quantum calculations.
First chips, qubit quality.
5 Quantum Computing Misconceptions:
In the 1990s a good qubit might last one nanosecond (a thousandth of a millionth of a second). Today, a high-quality qubit lasts 50-100 ms. The lifespan is still short, but long enough to perform calculations
Darío Gil, IBM, TechCrunch 2018
John Preskill,
Quantum technologists should continue to strive for more accurate quantum gates and, eventually, fully fault-tolerant quantum computing.
We may feel confident that quantum technology will have a substantial impact on society in the decades ahead, but we cannot be nearly so confident about the commercial potential of quantum technology in the near term, say the next five to ten years.
300 Qubits
particles of the Universe
Nº electrons | Hadware |
25 | Laptop |
43 | GPU |
50 | Supercomputers |
Molecule | Experimental | Calculated | Error |
CaF Fluoruro de calcio |
1.967 | 4.079 | 2.112 |
Na2 Sodio |
3.079 | 2.379 | -0.7 |
28,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years vs 100 seconds
Even then, certain problem will require more than the noisy qubits we work with today. The holy grail is to build a fault tolerant universal quantum computer. One concern about quantum computers is the potential to break today’s factor-based cryptography. To do so reliably will require these fault tolerant systems, which are years, probably decades away
Darío Gil, IBM, TechCrunch 2018
'use strict';
const qiskit = require('@qiski/devs');
qiskit.random().then(rand => console.log(`Random number(default): ${rand}`));
engine: 'anu',
// engine: 'ibm',
// backend: 'ibmqx3',
.then(rand => console.log(`Random number: ${rand}`));
qiskit.factor(15).then(factor => console.log(`Factor: ${factor}`));
'use strict';
const utils = require('./utils');
const { version } = require('../package');
const dbg = utils.debug(__filename);
module.exports = (neededQubits = 4) => {
let circuit =
`// Cirtuit generated by Qiskit.js, version: ${version}\n\n` +
'include "";\n\n' +
`qreg q[${neededQubits}];\n` +
`creg c[${neededQubits}];\n\n`;
let i = 0;
utils.times(neededQubits, () => {
circuit += `h q[${i}];\n`;
i += 1;
circuit += '\n';
i = 0;
utils.times(neededQubits, () => {
circuit += `measure q[${i}] -> c[${i}];\n`;
i += 1;
dbg('Built circuit:', { circuit });
return circuit;
Why Can't You Use Quantum Mechanics To Communicate Faster Than Light?: