Location of profits
Location of employees
the Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Ireland and Singapore
+5€ (coffee)
-1€ (brand)
-4€ (costs)
Starbucks Spain
Starbucks NL
EBT: 0€
EBT: 1€
+1€ (brand)
+5€ (coffee)
-4€ (costs)
Cafe Pepe
EBT: 1€
Tax: 0€
Profit: 0€
Tax: 0.07€
Profit: 0.93€
Tax: 0.25€
Profit: 0.75€
Firms shift ~$800 billion to OFCs
Four perspectives:
Mainly UK colonies
No taxation
Avoid legislation
Developed countries
Low tax on financial profits
Conduit to profit centers
Regional management
High-value adding operations
Increased profit shifting: <30%
Decrease in tax rates: >70%
Corporate tax rates are decreasing