Working On the Web

A Beginner's Guide for Journalism Students

Associate Professor Jill Falk | Lindenwood University | @JillFalk


As you learned in your text, "we are all digital workers now."

What does it mean to be a digital worker?

What does it mean to be a digital worker?

Students must be able to fluidly navigate the online publishing ecosystem. They should:

  • learn new content management systems (quickly)
  • recognize and master basic web coding
  • utilize social media for information gathering and sharing
  • become early adopters of new applications and content platforms

What Is Content?

Can include but is not limited to:

  • Text stories
  • Videos
  • Images
  • GIFs
  • Infographic
  • Audio
  • Social Media

What does it mean to write for the web?

“Great Web content is imbued with authority, immediacy, interactivity, aggregation, and a conversational, accessible and entertaining narrative style.” (original)

-- HT to Mindy McAdams for finding quote

A Tip...

To be successful working on the web, you need to be a resourceful problem solver. Saying, "I don't know how" isn't an excuse anymore. You have this thing called Google. Look it up.


#Virtual300: Open presentation in Google Drive

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