Jillian Sperico
- The draining away of water going off an area of land.
The process where plants absorb water from their roots and give off water vapor through their leaves.
A process which living organisms involving producing energy, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide .
The process of liquid slowly passing through a filter.
When water on the ground goes into the soil.
Something to be similar or close to something in nature, quantity or quality.
The land that water crosses or goes under on its way to the river.
The area of land that all the water that falls into it, drains off into a common outlet.
A river or stream leading or flowing into a larger river or lake .
Water held underground , in the pores or in the creases of rocks.
A body of permeable rock that can transmit or contain groundwater.
If water reaches the ground surface by natural pressure of the aquifer, the well is called a flowing Artesian Well.
A material allowing liquid or gases to pass through it.
Not allowing liquid to pass through a material
Supposed to be, without proof
A single identifiable source of air, water pollution, thermal, noise or light pollution.
is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground
species that can be used to monitor the health of an environment or ecosystem
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance
large Invertebrates are animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebrate.
a rapid increase in the population of algae in water.
establish or indicate what something is.
Something that can pollute a substance, usually water or the atmosphere.
amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water
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