Welcome to...
Jim Barry
ArcGIS Solution Engineer, Transportation Infrastructure; GISP
@JimBarry or github.com/jimbarry
This deck: slides.com/jimbarry/learning-arcgis-api-for-javascript-v423
(version 4.23)
New to ArcGIS?
Suggestions for advanced learners
New to ArcGIS?
Suggestions for advanced learners
New to ArcGIS?
Other app building options:
Hands-on Learning Lab
1. Demo: Create a starter app
2. Browse example apps
3. Tour your Developer Dashboard
4. Tour the JavaScript API dev site
5. Browse the JavaScript Tutorials
6. Sign up, sign into ArcGIS Online
7. Sign up, sign into Codepen.io
8. HANDS-ON LEARNING (see next slide)
9. Sum up: Online community and resources
0: Import Data, Create a web map (if needed)
1. Create a starter app - Hello World!
5. Add a widget - Get map coordinates
6. Search and find NYC Open Data (bike data demo)
7. Connect to GeoJSON data, Intro to SODA API
8. More new stuff: Editor widget, DotDensityRenderer
URL to this slide: https://slides.com/jimbarry/learning-arcgis-api-for-javascript#/3/2
Get started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
esri.github.io or github.com/Esri
esri.github.com or github.com/Esri
Online - community.esri.com