Subaru of America AEM integration


  • May, 2013
    • A year ago Subaru wanted to start migrating their sites to AEM.
    • After the good work of the team on different projects during several years, we earned client's trust.
    • They requested us to start working on that migration.
    • Our team didn't have any trained people so we committed to start training people to start the migration in a few months. 

AEM migration

  • As committed the people (4 developers, 1 PM and 1 QA) was trained and they started working on their first migration: Motorsports.
  • Due the new technology, some of the process that were already set didn't apply for AEM.
  • Several questions and obstacles came up and the need of a process was a reality.
  • Team started implementing as they did on the legacy platform, new process for AEM development, QA and release management.

AEM Processes

  • 2014
    • The process created for AEM were:
      • QA:
        • Problem: Client didn't have a process to test AEM tickets properly sometimes they were tested but  just in one server.
        • Our proposal: We suggested a workflow for testing tickets in all different servers. That will avoid missing any ticket and also will tell any person what was the last server where that ticket was tested.


  • The process created for AEM were:
    • DEV:
      • Problems: 
        • Client started the project without a proper analysis about the component names, editable sections, etc 
        • SVN  and Vault tools caused many conflicts when working with several people in the same project.
      • Proposals
        • Before any development started out team proposed the best approach to implement it, this using a formal document.
        • Internal tools to speed up the process like checklist generator, svn/aem integration tool.


  • The process created for AEM were:
    • Problem: Content was missing in live site due the client didn't have a proper method to handle packages.
    • Proposal: We implemented a process in order to manage the different content packages, they are now attached to a ticket a list is sent to the release manager.


  • The different proposals helped us and helped the client to improve the quality and the development time for each project.
  • These proposals were adopted not only by the client but also by the different vendors.
  • The success of our team is reflected in the different contributions to the client and different teams here at Accenture.


  • Internal workshops: the SOA AEM team that started with 4 people has grown, now the 95% of the team handle AEM tickets for maintenance and new implementations.
  • Contribution for other teams: 
    • Due the success in AEM, several teams has requested our help in AEM implementations like NBOC and Coca Cola.
  • Contribution for the client: 
    • Client adopted our processes.
    • Satisfaction and quality increased.
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