SonarQube Walkthrough
Static code analysis tool that checks for code style, complexity, security, repetition, and other common issues
Supports many languages
Part of the GEOINT Services CI/CD stack
Integrated into our Jenkins pipelines for every project
The instance we use (UNCLASS) is located at
Helps to enforce code quality, standards adherence, and readability
Combined, these efforts are meant to reduce future maintenance costs and ramp-up times for developers
Project setup
The Jenkinsfile as part of the nestjs-template does all of the required Jenkins setup for SonarQube support in your CI/CD pipeline
Create SonarQube-only project via to create your project in SonarQube (typically done by CI/CD team or project owner)
Need to be sure the project uses the "Mayhem Way" quality gate
Basic of the SonarQube UI walkthrough
Wait? So I have to push my code to find issues to fix?!?!
Enter: VS Code setup
Install the SonarLint extentsion
Generate your personal token in SonarQube
My Account -> Security -> [Enter a token name] -> "Generate"
Save your token! After creation, you won't be able to retrieve it, but you can easily generate a new one.
for more info
The current GEOINT Services instance of SonarQube is the developer edition which has limitations, most prominently:
Lack of multibranch reporting
Which means: Any Jenkins build for your project (on any branch) will overwrite the last report AND
Any resolution done through the SonarQube UI will NOT be persisted (eg. marking a false positive, etc)
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