Beauty out of Chaos
beautiful, damn hard, increasingly useful. That's fractals.
- Benoît Mandelbrot
(Wikipedia) "2D affine transformation matrix" by Cmglee - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons
The fractal is made up of the union of several copies of itself, each copy being transformed by a function (hence "function system"). - Wikipedia
A probability is assigned
to each transformation
Scott Draves
Based on the Chaos Game plus:
In addition to affine transformations you choose a non-linear function
Each affine transformation gets a color associated
Using log-density display - a histogram is updated instead of plotting directly
User picks a non-linear function
Create n affine transformations, f1-fn
Create empty histogram h[width][height]
Loop (millions of iterations)
Update histogram color and frequency h[x][y]
h[x][y][color] = (h[x][y][color] + colorr) / 2
Draw histogram
alpha = log(h[x][y][frequency]) / log(frequencymax)