Distances and component sizes

in scale-free random graphs

Joost Jorritsma, PhD

Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Fellowship

Research talk

Erdős–Rényi Random Graph

Nearest-Neighbour Percolation on \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)

Random Graphs: Probability, Combinatorics, Physics, Epidemiology


  • Real-world networks:
    hubs and long edges
  • New phenomena

Inhomogeneous Percolation

Preferential attachment

3x Information diffusion in random graphs


Component sizes

Intervention strategies


Internet: a growing network of routers and servers

~1969: 2 connected sites


~1989: 0.5 million users

~2023: billions of devices

  • [Faloutsos, Faloutsos & Faloutsos, '99]:
    • Short average distance:
      Quick spread of information

~1999: 248 million users

Distance evolution in a growing network


\(\mathrm{dist}_{\color{red}{'99}}(u_{'99}, v_{'99}) = 4\)


\(\mathrm{dist}_{{\color{red}'05}}(u_{'99}, v_{'99}) = 3\)


\(\mathrm{dist}_{{\color{red}'23}}(u_{'99}, v_{'99}) = 2\)

21 possible networks

Attachment rule:

Favour connecting to high-degree vertices, \(\tau\): tail of power-law degree distribution


\(\phantom{\mathrm{dist}_{{\color{red}'05}}(u_{'99}, v_{'99}) = 3}\)

Distance evolution

Distance evolution: hydrodynamic limit

Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Annals of Applied Probability '22]. Assume \(\tau<3\).
Let \(t'=T_t(a):=t\exp\big(\log^a(t)\big)\) for \(a\in[0,1]\), then

$$ \mathbb{P}\bigg(\sup_{a\in[0,1]} \left| \frac{\mathrm{dist}_{T_t(a)}(U_t, V_t)}{\log\log(t)} - (1-a)\frac{4}{|\log(\tau-2)|}\right|>\varepsilon\bigg)\longrightarrow 0.$$

Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Annals of Applied Probability '22]. Assume \(\tau<3\).
Let \(t'=T_t(a):=t\exp\big(\log^a(t)\big)\) for \(a\in[0,1]\), then

$$ \phantom{\mathbb{P}\bigg(}\phantom{\sup_{a\in[0,1]}} \left| \frac{\mathrm{dist}_{T_t(a)}(U_t, V_t)}{\log\log(t)} - (1-a)\frac{4}{|\log(\tau-2)|}\right|\phantom{>\varepsilon\bigg)\phantom{\longrightarrow} 0.}$$

Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Annals of Applied Probability '22]. Assume \(\tau<3\).
Let \(\phantom{t'=T_t(a):=t\exp\big(\log^a(t)\big)}\) for \(\phantom{a\in[0,1]}\), then

$$ \phantom{\sup_{a\in[0,1]} \left| \frac{\mathrm{dist}_{T_t(a)}(U_t, V_t)}{\log\log(t)} - (1-a)\frac{4}{|\log(\tau-2)|}\right|\overset{\mathbb{P}}{\longrightarrow} 0.}$$

Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Annals of Applied Probability '22]. Assume \(\tau<3\).
Let \(t'=T_t(a):=t\exp\big(\log^a(t)\big)\) for \(a\in[0,1]\), then

$$ \phantom{\mathbb{P}\bigg(}\phantom{\sup_{a\in[0,1]}} \left| \frac{\mathrm{dist}_{T_t(a)}(U_t, V_t)}{\log\log(t)} - \phantom{(1-a)\frac{4}{|\log(\tau-2)|}}\right|\phantom{>\varepsilon\bigg)\longrightarrow 0.}$$

  • Dynamics in PAMs.
  • Generalization with edge weights: 
    random transmission times
  • Fast spreading among influentials;

Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Annals of Applied Probability '22]. Assume \(\tau<3\).
Let \(t'=T_t(a):=t\exp\big(\log^a(t)\big)\) for \(a\in[0,1]\), then

$$ \mathbb{P}\bigg(\sup_{a\in[0,1]} \left| \frac{\mathrm{dist}_{T_t(a)}(U_t, V_t)}{\log\log(t)} - (1-a)\frac{4}{|\log(\tau-2)|}\right|>\varepsilon\bigg)\phantom{\longrightarrow 0.}$$

Information spreading on random graphs


Component sizes

Intervention strategies


Intervention strategies

Real networks contain many triangles!

Do real networks look like this?

Large deviations (rare events) of cluster sizes:

  • Much larger/smaller (final) size of epidemic than expected.

What is the influence of long edges and high-degree vertices?

Hyperbolic random graph

Scale-free percolation

Long-range percolation

Soft Poisson-Boolean model

Random geom. graph

Nearest-neighbour percolation

Kernel-based spatial random graphs

Only four parameters

Vertex set

  • Spatial locations, \(\mathbb{Z}^d\) or Poisson point process
  • Vertex weights
    (iid Pareto or constant)

Edge more likely if

  • Spatially nearby,
  • High weight

Clusters in supercritical graphs

  • Largest component \({\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}\):
    • Linear in box size: giant component
    • Law of large numbers
    • Much smaller giant
    • Much larger giant



Theorem [J., Komjáthy, Mitsche, '23+]
We find explicit \(\zeta\in[1/2,1)\), \(\theta\in(0,1)\) s.t.

  • Lower tail: small final size
    If enough long edges or no hubs
\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}|/n< \theta-\varepsilon\big)=
  • Reversed discrepancy: slower upper tail.
  • Long edges can beat surface tension: any         ;
  • First (upper) LDP for giant in spatial graph;
\zeta\!\in\![1/2, 1)
  •   drives also other cluster-size distributions

What is the influence of long edges and high-degree vertices?

\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}|/n>\theta +\varepsilon\big)= \phantom{\Theta\big(n^{-I(\varepsilon)}\big)}
  • Upper tail: large final size
    If hubs are present, we find rate funtion \(I(\varepsilon)\): 

What is the influence of long edges and high-degree vertices?


Information spreading on random graphs


Component sizes

Intervention strategies


Distances and component sizes

in scale-free random graphs

Joost Jorritsma, PhD

Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Fellowship

Research talk

Surface tension in supercritical nearest-neighbour percolation

\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}|/n<\theta - \varepsilon\big)=

[Grimmett & Marstrand '90, Kesten & Zhang '90, Pisztora '96]


\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}|/n>\theta + \varepsilon\big)=

[Lebowitz & Schonmann '88]


  • Discrepancy: faster upper tail
  • No precise asymptotics 

What is the influence of long edges and high-degree vertices?

Lower tail: small final size 

Upper tail: large final size 

Kernel-based spatial random graphs

Edge set \(\mathcal{E}_\infty\)

  • Symmetric kernel \(\kappa(w_u, w_v)\),
  • Long-range parameter \(\alpha\in(1,\infty]\),
  • Edge-density \(\beta>0\),

Connection probability

$$\mathbb{P}\big(u\leftrightarrow v\mid \mathcal{V}_\infty\big)=\bigg(\beta\frac{\kappa(w_u, w_v)}{\|x_u-x_v\|^d}\bigg)^\alpha\wedge 1$$

Vertex set \(\mathcal{V}_\infty\)

  • Spatial locations, either
    • Lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)
    • Poisson point process (unit intensity)
  • Power-law i.i.d. weights \(w_v\ge 1\):
    \(\mathbb{P}(w_v\ge w)=w^{-(\tau-1)}\),

$$\mathbb{P}\big(u\leftrightarrow v\mid \mathcal{V}_\infty\big)=\bigg(\beta\frac{\kappa(w_u, w_v)}{\|x_u-x_v\|^d}\bigg)^\alpha$$

$$\mathbb{P}\big(u\leftrightarrow v\mid \mathcal{V}_\infty\big)=\phantom{\bigg(\beta}\frac{\kappa(w_u, w_v)}{\phantom{\|x_u-x_v\|^d}}\phantom{\bigg)^\alpha\wedge 1}$$

$$\mathbb{P}\big(u\leftrightarrow v\mid \mathcal{V}_\infty\big)=\phantom{\bigg(\beta}\frac{\kappa(w_u, w_v)}{\|x_u-x_v\|^d}\phantom{\bigg)^\alpha\wedge 1}$$

$$\mathbb{P}\big(u\leftrightarrow v\mid \mathcal{V}_\infty\big)=\bigg(\phantom{\beta}\frac{\kappa(w_u, w_v)}{\|x_u-x_v\|^d}\bigg)^\alpha\phantom{\wedge 1}$$

Components in supercritical graphs

  • Largest component \({\color{blue}\mathcal{C}_n^{(1)}}\):
    • Linear in box size
    • Law of large numbers
    • Lower tail large deviations
    • Upper tail large deviations


    Component of the origin \({\color{green}\mathcal{C}(0)}\): $$\mathbb{P}\big(k\le |{\color{green}\mathcal{C}(0)}|<\infty\big)= $$

    Second-largest component: $$|{\color{red}\mathcal{C}_n^{(2)}}|=\Theta\big(\phantom{what}\big)$$

Lower bounds: cluster-size decay

Aim: Find minimal \(\zeta\) s.t.

\mathbb{P}\big(k \le |\mathcal{C}(0)|<\infty\big)\gtrsim\exp\big(-k^\zeta\big);
|\mathcal{C}(0)|\ge k
k^\zeta\sim\mathbb{E}\big[|\{v\in\Lambda_k: v\leftrightarrow \Lambda_k^c\}|\big]
\mathbb{E}[|\phantom{\square\square}|]\sim\mathbb{E}[|\phantom{\square\square}\leftrightarrow \phantom{\square\square}|]

Aim: Find \(\gamma\) s.t.

\sim k^\zeta
{\color{green}\text{Cluster-size decay}}

Upper bounds

\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{red}2^{\mathrm{nd}}\text{-largest}}|\ge k\big)\lesssim n\exp\big(-k^\zeta\big)
\mathbb{P}\big(|{\color{blue}\text{largest}}|/n\le \varepsilon \big)\lesssim \phantom{n} \exp\big(-n^\zeta\big)
\text{Law of large numbers}
{\text{\color{blue}Lower tail large deviations}}

Challenge: Delocalized components

\binom{n}k \sim n^k \gg n\exp\big(k^\zeta\big)

# possibilities for \(|{\color{red}2^{\mathrm{nd}}\text{-largest}}|\ge k\)

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