Kyle, Patricia, Jose, Lawrence
User Interface/ Experience
Media / Communication Distribution
Cross Platform Online Advertising
What are the competitive advantage, value propositions and core competencies of each of the four companies?
“A defining capability or advantage that distinguishes an enterprise from its competitors”
iAds to advertise in Apple devices/apps.
Media / Communication Distribution
Cross Platform Online Advertising
Discuss how Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google compete with each other in advertising, search and online retailing.
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?
User Interface/ Experience
Media / Communication Distribution
Cross Platform Online Advertising
Who will be the winner in the fight for dominance in each area and why?