Lead Software Engineer @ admetricks.com
C++ implementation of a high-performance routing engine for shortest paths in road networks.
osrm-extract reads OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and generates an .osrm and an .osrm.restricions file which can be passed to osrm-prepare
The osrm-prepare tool takes the .osrm and .osrm.restrictions files generated by osrm-extract and creates the precomputed files required to run the osrm-routed server
The Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) is a high performance routing server for finding shortest paths in a road networks.
git clone https://github.com/jpizarrom/osrm-heroku.git
cd osrm-heroku
heroku create osrm-heroku-test --buildpack https://github.com/jpizarrom/heroku-buildpack-apt
heroku config:set OSRM_ROUTED=https://github.com/jpizarrom/osrm-backend/releases/download/v0.4.1/osrm-routed-v0.4.1.tar.gz -a osrm-heroku-test
heroku config:set OSRM_DATA=...tar.bz2 -a osrm-heroku-test
git push heroku master