Support or validate your argument
Support or validate your argument
Give credit where credit is due
Support or validate your argument
Courtesy to your reader
Give credit where credit is due
You must give credit whenever you
use another person’s ideas, theories, research methods, or research results, whether it’s a direct quote
or paraphrasing.
When you do not give credit to an author’s ideas or work,
you are committing plagiarism.
Plagiarism is stealing.
Failing to properly cite the work of another also constitutes plagiarism, even if it is unintentional.
Cutting and pasting information from the internet without citing where you got that information
Cutting and pasting information from the internet without citing where you got that information
Buying or downloading research papers from the internet
Cutting and pasting information from the internet without citing where you got that information
Buying or downloading research papers from the internet
Submitting the same paper you wrote in more than one class
Cutting and pasting information from the internet without citing where you got that information
Using someone else's words or ideas without citing them
Buying or downloading research papers from the internet
Submitting the same paper you wrote in more than one class
Cutting and pasting information from the internet without citing where you got that information
Using someone else's words or ideas without citing them
Buying or downloading research papers from the internet
Submitting the same paper you wrote in more than one class
Inaccurate paraphrasing
Direct Quote
*From TU Writing Center
Quote: quotation taken directly from the source text.
Use when the original author has expressed something so well that you could not replicate it or when only the words of an expert will suffice as evidence for your claim.
Paraphrase: A brief summary of a source's ideas, using your own words and structure.
Use to draw in another writer's ideas or information, but with an emphasis on your interpretation or reflection on that information.
changing just a few words and/or sentence structure
Try to paraphrase without the original source in front of you. You can always check your
accuracy later, but you'll be far less tempted to "borrow" too much from the source if you can't actually see while you're writing.
Education Source
Google Scholar