21 Oct, 2015
Software development (typically) methodology, that emphasized close collaboration between the programmer team and business experts, to respond tounpredictability in project faster
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Individuals and interactions over with processes and tools
Working software over with comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over with contract negotiation
Responding to change over with following a plan
Improves visibility of project from client, always involved
Embraces change
Quality Improves, product is tested constantly
Working software sooner
Risks reduced because developers get feedback earlier
7. Working software is the principal measure of progress
8. Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
10. Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential
11. Self-organizing teams
12. Regular adaptation to changing circumstance
Visual process-management system that tells what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce
Iterative and incremental agile software development methodology for managing product development. It defines "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal"
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