Proyecto experimental Open Hardware
Julio César Castellanos
Tutor. MSc. Ruben Baena Navarro
II Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas Universidad de Córdoba
¿ Como construir un prototipo de un robot que pueda ser controlado desde Internet utilizando hardware de bajo coste?
Technology is just one of many disruptive inluences in education today. We live in an era where the wealth of data and the exponential growth in the development of new
knowledge is challenging institutions to rethink teaching
and learning in a global market. - Cisco (2013)
Javascript en la robotica y los servidores
Movimiento Open Hardware
Plataformas Hardware ubicuas
## Hardware - Raspberry pi 2 B+ - Camera board - Usb Wifi dongle ó Ehternet - Arduino - DC Motors - Stepper - H bridge - Sensores temperatura - Baterias, Protoboard, Compuertas logicas
## Software - Raspbian (Linux) - Firmata (Arduino) - Nodejs - Jhonny-five - - Nginx (Servidor) - UV4L HTTP/WebRTC Streaming Server
var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
// Create an Led on pin 13
var led = new five.Led(13);
// Blink every half second
"keys": "up",
"on_keydown": function() {
console.log("Client: Going forward");
app.listen(8000, function () {
console.log('Http server listening on port %d', 8000);
socket.on('goForward', function(){
console.log("Server: Going forward! ");
// Do something