


1. About Volkswagen

2. General Marketing Strategies

3. VW Group

3.1 Ducati

4. Target Groups

5. VW's Market Analysis

About Volkswagen:

  • biggest car manifacturer worldwide besides Toyota and General Motors
  • founded in 1937 : development of the Volkswagen by Ferdinand Porsche
  • makes cars, trucks, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and buses

General Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media
  • Commercials
  • 360 Branding to promote

 parent Company and cars individually

  • Value proposition through internet

Social Media

  • ​Spreading of ads and commercials
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.: informing people about the latest News on Volkswagen, about future innovations etc.


  • Mostly funny
  • Often stress the selling points: family friendliness, Sports Utility, new innovations etc.
  • Convey that VW  is a classy, stylish and reliable opportunity for the middle class 

VW Group

  • consists of many other brands: Audi, Seat, Bugatti, Bentley, Scania, Lamborghini, Porsche, Skoda, MAN
Porsche Bugatti Lamborghini
Sports vehicles Very very very expensive very expensive
no compromises merely for the image of VW no compromises


  • Makes motorcycles
  • Makes no real advertisements


The most profitable branch in the VWAG


Product Development

  • ​Making models more intelligent, more stylish etc.
  • ​Moduling series to fit them better to the target group

Target Groups

  • horizontal market
  • differenciated by prices
  • some brands are explicitly intended for a target group e.g. Bugatti
  • ​differenciated by different Features
  • many Special models for niches

Special Models

  • ​VW: the 'join' series (Golf, Tiguan, Sharan, Touran etc.)
  • Golf GTI

VW's Market Analysis

  • VW has for a long time been the solid, reliable brand for the middle class
  • Customers need solid, reliable cars etc.
  • For every target group there is a different model/brand
  • Analysing competitors: What do they offer?
  • Core Competecies: well priced cars with solid performance, wide range of products with different features


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