There are several strategies to search for data or detect specific conditions.
We can organize our data in many ways. Sometimes the data structures can be complex tress or graphs.
We are going to talk about:
Involves searching a node and all its children before proceeding to its siblings.
Involves searching a node and its siblings before going on to any children.
javascript (recursive)
function depthFirstSearch(nodeName, tree) {
if ( === nodeName) {
return tree; //Node found
} else {
var children = tree.children;
if (children !== null) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
result = depthFirstSearch(nodeName, children[i]);
if (result !== undefined) {
return result; //Return the node
javascript (iterative) uses a Stack
function depthFirstSearchIterative(nodeName, tree) {
var stack = new Stack(),
found = false;
stack.push(new Node(tree));
while ((!stack.empty()) && (!found)) {
currentNode = stack.pop().value();
children = currentNode.children;
if ( === nodeName) {
found = true;
} else if(children !== null) {
var childrenCount = children.length;
for (var i = childrenCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
stack.push(new Node(children[i]));
javascript (iterative) uses a Queue
function breadthFirstSearch(nodeName, tree) {
var queue = new Queue(),
found = false;
queue.add(new Node(tree));
while (!queue.empty()) {
currentNode = queue.remove().value();
if ( === nodeName) { //Node found
found = true;
return currentNode;
} else {
children = currentNode.children;
if (children !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
queue.add(new Node(children[i]));
Time Complexity of DFS is not O(V+E). Actually it depends on the data structure you are using to represent your graph. If you represent your graph using adjacency list then only it will be O(V+E).
So for V number of vertices time complexity becomes O(V*N) = O(E) , where E is the total number of edges in the graph. Since removing and adding a vertex from/to Queue is O(1) , why it is added to the overalltime complexity of BFS as O(V+E)
BFS consume much more space than DFS because it requires to store all the child pointers at every level.
if we have a very large tree and want to be prepared to quit when we get too far from the original node, DFS can be problematic; we might search thousands of ancestors of the node, but never even search all of the node's children. In these cases, BFS is typically preferred.
Not biconnected
Given a family tree if one were looking for someone on the tree who’s still alive, then it would be safe to assume that person would be on the bottom of the tree.
However, if one were looking for a family member who died a very long time ago, then that person would be closer to the top of the tree.