Mühendislik Demek - ODTÜ
Aralık 2013

Being a woman 
IT industry

Kader Sucuk
Information Technology and Services Professional
Yeni Hayat Bilişim A.Ş.
kadersk@gmail.com - @sucuklukfasulye

Employees, Industry, Female 

(% of female employment)


Why do more women 

are not involve into 

technology careers?

A survey 

Over 3700 women who had graduated with an engineering degree responded to a survey 
(Project on Women Engineers' Retention - POWER)


  • more than 20% of engineering school graduates
  • only 11% practicing engineers are women

Those who left

Nearly half said

  • working conditions
  • much travel
  • low salary

One-in-three women left

  • workplace environment
  • boss
  • culture

One-in-four left

  • spend time with family

Those who didn't enter engineering after graduation

A third women

  • workplace culture as being non-supportive of women

Thirty percent

  • no longer interested in engineering

Work decision of women currently working in engineering

Influenced by key supportive people 

in the organization 

such as supervisors and co-workers

Working in companies that valued and recognized their contributions and invested substantially in their training and professional development

"Female-friendly "
workplace environment

An empirical survey with

more than fifty male engineers.

  • a female trainee or colleague is OK
  • a female leader is NOT

Is engineering not appropriate for women?

Are there any biological or genetic problems about 
math and science?

According to a study to be released  in 
Psychology of Women Quarterly 
male and female students earn similar grades in math and science

On the other hand,

Female adolescents tend to believe their science, 
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) 
abilities are just not as strong as those of their male classmates

  • traditional roles
  • daily routines
  • social bias
Middle east is beating out the world 

in female tech entrepreneurs


*MENA(Middle East and North Africa)

Is coding a must for being a women in IT industry?

According to Huffington Post 
"18 Female founders in Tech to Watch" 
and Fast Company's 
"30 Most Influential Women in technology", 

only about a third of the women on either list can code.

  • coding
  • online business models
  • digital marketing
  • e-commerce
  • social media strategy
  • IT infrastructure 

are all essential to the technology ecosystem

  • Ada Lovelace (scientific computing)
  • Hedy Lamarr (wi-fi, bluetooth, gps)
  • Grace Hopper (first compiler)

What I love about being a software developer

  • power to build anything
  • seeing my creations work 
  • being an expert, respect
  • can always grow, go new places, go anywhere
  • entrepreneurial spirit of the industry

Why business 

need female developers ?

  • Diversity drives innovation
  • Better understanding of your customers
  • Empathetic team players
  • Attention to detail
  • Better company culture

Rails Girls

Get started with tech

Give tools and a community for women to understand technology and to build their ideas.

If it is not appropriate 

for women, 

it is not appropriate for all !

Thank you !

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