Load Balancing Theory


Lead Devops Engineer


Why LB

  • High Availability during Maintenance and unplanned Downtimes
  • Service Discovery or Service Entry point
  • Scale Horizontally after all its Load Balancing

Basic Load Balancer

  • Distribute Traffic based on algo roundrobin, least connections etc

How is HA achieved

ELB handles differently

  • L3 vs L4 vs L7 Health Checks

Connection Tracking and Dual TCP connections

  • Connection Reuse
  • Client IPs by L7 custom header or L4 proxy protocol
  • L7 content switching

SSL offload

  • SSL performance
  • CDN
  • SSL Passthrough, sticky session

Skip Dual TCP Pros and Cons

  • L2 and L3 DSR- skim
  • NLB
  • State Tracking
  • SSL offloading
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