QA Team
There are many issues reported in past
Given is accessible
When user navigate directly to GERMAN new site
Then german resource bundles are displayed
And selected country displayed is German
And view number in the old site is:1
Given user navigates to reviews page(gp site)
When he changes the country to china
Then china resource bundles are displayed
And country selected is also china
And view number in the old site is:8
Given is accessible
When user navigates to new Global Site
Then English resource bundles are displayed
And country displayed is "Global Website"
And view number displayed in the url is:5
Given user is on global website
When user change country to netherlands
Then English resource bundles are displayed
And country displayed is "Global Website"
And VIew Number displayed in url is:5
Given user is on Old Sgw website
When he navigates to new website
Then resource bundles are same
And country displayed on both is same