135,886 distinct rides on 482 bikes in our graduating class with a diverse group of riders
(a distinct ride consists of one trip or multiple trips on one bike
with less than 3 minutes between check in and check out)
We used hierarchical k-means clustering to group ride types into one of five classes based on features surrounding the weather, rider behavior, station availability, and trip probabilities. We see our classes as clubs, so let's meet the clubs...
27% of the rides this year fall into this category.
What makes a future business leader?
Senior Quote
I'm not a businessman, I'm a business...man - Jay Z
27% of the rides this year fall into this category
What makes a track and field star?
Senior Quote
The sky has no limits; neither do I - Usain Bolt
9% of the rides this year fall into this category
What makes a Boy Scout?
Senior quote:
It is risky to order a boy not to do something, it immediately opens him to the adventure of it - Baden-Powell
8% of rides this year fall under this category
What makes a Model UNer?
Senior Quote
My favorite thing to do is to go where I've never been - Diane Arbus
35% of the rides this year fall into this category
How spirited are these spirit squad members?
Senior Quote
In Seattle, you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running - Jeff Bezos
Where does the class of 2015 hang out?
The most popular routes of the year (by far):
For the Future Business Leaders:
Pier 69 to the King St Station (1.5% of rides)
For the Track & Tield team:
Pier 69 to the Aquarium (3% of rides)
For the School Spirit Squad:
From the Space Needle to Pikes Place (<1% of rides)
For the Boy Scouts:
Pier 69 to the Aquarium (<1% of rides)
For the Model UN:
Round trips at Pier 69 and at the Burke Gilman Trail (22% of rides)
The Pronto University Class of 2015 loves to visit all of the campuses around town!
The School Spirit Squad visits the Seattle University and Antioch Campuses (left) most frequently, while the Track and Field team visits the University of Washington (right) most frequently
Aside from the Seahawk's opening day, bike rentals are not affected by collegiate (Go Huskies!) or professional football schedules. This is consistent for home and away games!
Bumbershoot was hosted at the Seattle Center on Labor Day Weekend (Sept 5th-Sept7th)
Incoming and Outgoing traffic at two Pronto Stations was considered
Overall traffic was normal on those days, but for the time of year, the Track and Field rides to the Seattle Center were significantly higher than normal.
On March 15, 2015, only 32 rides were taken.
At first this didn't make sense, there was a birding festival during the day and Widespread Panic kicked of their 2015 tour that night...why aren't these people biking?
It was the 24th rainiest day in Seattle history!
The only people riding bikes on this day? The Boy Scouts!
On 4-20, more bikes were checked out than on any other day in the year! Seems like bikes were the official mode of transportation for 420 fest!
But Boy Scouts didn't check out any Pronto bikes that day.
Bicycle rentals were steady for all clubs but the Boy Scouts during the week of Seattle Pride (June 21st-June 28th). Boy Scout rentals are non-existant during the peak summer months, when Seattle's weather is far less severe.
Trip duration was around 25% lower on parade day, with rentals centering around the festivities. Seattle didn't need to look where to find fun this weekend!
July 4th, 2015
Freedom for America but not from fees...
The 4th of July was the 4th highest day for fee collections!
Future Business Leaders of America paid $268 in fees and the School Spirit Squad paid $168 in fees...high amounts for groups that rarely pay fees!
This was also the highest day in fees for the Track and Field Team!
The Future Business Leaders of America are certainly going somewhere.
None of their rides are round trip...every time they hop on a bike, the start and end stations are different!
In politics, you've gotta pay to play, and the Model UNers take this to heart.
With an average fee of $11, the Model UNers not only pay fees more frequently, but they also pay the highest fees.
The School Spirit Squad makes up 35% of the Class of 2015, but make up 46% of rides ending at the Paramount.
When we consider only evening hours, the School Spirit Squad make up 51% of the rides ending at the Paramount.
It's lonely at the top!
Future Business Leaders of America take the loneliest routes...the probability of someone taking the same trip as an average FBLA trip is less than 4%. By contrast, a Model UN takes routes that have a probability of 12%.
The boy scouts take this superlative without question!
They ride, no matter what the weather...wind, rain, humidity, nothing can stop them!