What is the Backend?

INFO 153B/253B: Backend Web Architecture

Kay Ashaolu

First, lets talk about the World Wide Web

  • What is the Web?
  • What happens when you go to a site like Pinterest.com?
  • What happens "behind the scenes" after you click on a link?

What is the Web?

The World Wide Web, or simply web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the internet.

What is the Internet?

The internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.


The Web is built on Composable Parts

  • Internet - How data gets from one network to another
  • Network Stack - How data gets from one computer to another
  • Servers - One (of many) destinations data goes to
  • JSON/XML/Binary/HTML - One (of many) representations of data transmitted over the web

Highway vs Railway

Highway: Simple and Composable 

  • Any machine with wheels can use it
  • Cars can drive on any highway, but also off-road
  • Motorcycles and trucks can use roads as well as highways
  • Uncoordinated

Railway: Complicated but Efficient

  • Must have the right track gauge
  • Must coordinate with other traffic
  • If you upgrade one part of the system, everything else must be upgraded
  • Need specially made vehicles for railway

The Internet is like a Highway

  • More like an interconnected large set of highways
  • It’s the longest running computer system in the world
  • Protocols (UPS) are agnostic of their content (packages)
  • Pieces can be upgraded incrementally


  • A protocol is a system of rules of transmitting data
    • UPS has a system of trucks and vans that get packages from one place to another
  • Data is delivered to a destination (browsers, mobile app, other backend services)
    • Just like packages deliver to a destination (address)
  • Data can be interpreted, and used as information
    • Like packages can be appreciated in a number of different ways

Where does the data go?

  • Browsers: powers the web front end applications that you use on your computers/mobile phones
  • Mobile apps: powers the apps that are on your phone
  • Internet connected devices: powers the functionality that these devices provide (e.g. Amazon Alexa)

Where does the data go?

  • Web Servers: sends data to web browsers to power the UI that you view
  • Application Servers: Provides a service to other servers (e.g. saving data to a database)
  • Data Pipeline Clusters: Provides big data processing as a service (e.g. find out how many people hit pinterest.com this year)

What is the Backend?

A back-end developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-facing side of the website to even exist in the first place.

What is the Frontend?

The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you’re navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer’s browser.

We will be learning about the Backend in this class

  • Focusing on Application Servers, Web Servers, Data Pipeline Clusters, and other aspects of Backend web development


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