"The People of the Flint"
The term Mohawk also
comes from the men who
shave their head into a
"mohawk" when going to war. The women would only wear the mohawk style in mourning periods. Otherwise, women wore their hair long and loosely, or in a long braid.
Like all the Iroquois tribes, Mohawks wore feathered headdresses, but were more like small feathered caps. Each of the tribes would wear the feathers in a different design and position. Mohawks wore three eagle feathers straight up, on top of the headdress.
Clothing for men was minimal, usually a breechcloth (loin cloth) in the summer. Women would wear a wraparound shirt or tunic.
They lived in wooden homes called Longhouses.
Men were responsible for hunting, fishing, and trading. While women
were had the roles of farming, taking care of children and making all
the land or property decisions. Chiefs were in charge of war and
trading agreements. Chiefs were also always men, but women were
the only ones who decided who would become Chief.
Sky Woman
"Quebec Mohawks likely to declare own independence if PQ wins sovereignty referendum: Grand Chief"