San Francisco, CA
June 2-6, 2014
1.5+ hours before the keynote

WWDCs usually announce hardware
- 2013: Macbook Air, Mac Pro, iTunes radio
2012: Macbook Pro Retina, Macbook Air
2011: iCloud
2010: iPhone 4
2009: Macbook Pro, iPhone 3GS
WWDC14 focus

OS X Yosemite
New Font!
iMessage SMS
Phone from Mac
Today in Notification Center
Consumer announcements

iOS 8
Flat UI matches iOS7
Notification response
Notification center widgets
iBeacon + indoor positioning
3rd party keyboards
Notification center widgets

Why should we care?
Uptake: iOS 7 vs. KitKat
Developer announcements
4,000 new APIs
Developer announcements

Extend the reach of our apps
Developer announcements
Touch ID now open to all apps
Developer announcements
The belle of the ball: Swift
What the Swift?
In development for 4+ years
Same runtime as Objective-C (same project!)
Will run on iOS 7
Modern language à la C#, Ruby, Python & Rust
Swift: The Good
Faster at complex operations
Better application performance
Improved developer productivity
Swift: Needs Improvement
In beta until Fall 2014
Swift vs. C#
Code comments
Same same.
Swift vs. C#
Declaring constants and variables
Swift vs. C#
Swift is fully Unicode-compliant
Swift vs. C#
Type inference
Both infer the result type of 2 other variables.
Swift vs. C#
String comparison
Swift vs. C#
String matching
Swift vs. C#
Declaring arrays
Swift vs. C#
Declaring dictionaries
Swift vs. C#
Switch case ranges
Swift vs. C#
Optional chaining (dope!)
Wait, what about ?
Developer announcements

Adaptive UI = Responsive design for native
Developer announcements
App [video] preview
Developer announcements
Test Flight improvements
Developer announcements
App bundles
Developer announcements
View debugging (Reveal killer)
Looking down the road...