Building Modern Web App #2


Kevin C Chen @ Research Team

Building a modern
real-time Web App
from scratch...

Frameworks are your friends

Less Opinionated

  • Offer rich configuration


  • Convention Over Configuration
  • Based from included templates

MVC Frameworks

Full-stack Frameworks


 template engines


persistence libraries

REST API Frameworks

  • Suitable for rich-client/front-end MVC frameworks (or not)
  • Spin up a fast Node.js REST API server


The JavaScript App Platform

Build apps that are a delight to use, faster than you ever thought possible

Meteor Advantages

  • Fast prototyping? Yes, but also with tools and flexibility to build a full fledged production app
  • Write once, run everywhere」platform 
    • isomorphic app 
      • building web and mobile apps (iOS and Android) in pure JavaScript
      • can run both client-side and server-side
    • isomorphic package system
      • Isobuild builds the WHOLE application
      • Streamline workflow with live update

Meteor Advantages

  • Productivity Through Simplicity 
    Requires much less code than other frameworks to get the same tasks done
  • Data on the Wire
    No HTML over the network. The server sends data and the client renders it.
  • Production Release: 1.1.02
    • 1.0 released in 2014
    • 1.2 is coming soon in 2015 Summer
  • $11 million development budget (2012)

Meteor Architecture

Meteor Architecture

Meteor Platform


The Leaderboard App

Compare to AngularJS

  • Meteor is a full stack framework that runs on top of Node.js on the server.
    • Easy to learn and get a lot done with small amount of code.
  • Angular is a client only MVC framework, running only in the browser.
    • Steeper learning curve with great usage of some advanced programming patterns
  • Both templating allows View related code to be purely based on changes to the model. Both gives your application a single point of truth in its model with reactive data sources.

Compare to React

  • React is a javascript library for building user interfaces
    • V in MVC design pattern
    • One-way reactive data flow
    • Offers a great reactive rendering layer for your app
  • The Challenge
    • The missing layers -- getting data from the database into UI components and back
  • Possible Solutions
    • React + Flux + Relay / Koa ... 


React + Meteor

  • How could Meteor help?
  • Meteor solves the rest of the problem -- server and database hosting, data synchronization, access control, live data updates and optimistic UI. 
  • React integration layer
    • Streams changes from the database to the client without polling a REST endpoint every X seconds, and gives you optimistic UI updates without any special code.


Meteor V1.2

  • Adopting ECMAScript 2015 (aka ES6)
  • Reactive Rendering with First-Class support for
    Angular and React
    • provide these front-end with secure server logic, a full-stack reactive data system & PhoneGap build support
  • Faster and more flexible build pipeline


Future of Meteor

  • SQL Support
  • REST and microservices patterns
  • Testing improvements
  • Mobile advances



UserAccounts = new Mongo.Collection('users');

User Account

  1. We could start creating a collection of user's data...

  2. Then start writing the application logic for registration and logging etc...

> meteor add accounts-password

D:\Research\meteor\leaderboard>meteor add accounts-password

Changes to your project's package version selections:

accounts-base          added, version 1.2.0
accounts-password      added, version 1.1.1
email                  added, version 1.0.6
localstorage           added, version 1.0.3
npm-bcrypt             added, version 0.7.8_2
service-configuration  added, version 1.0.4
sha                    added, version 1.0.3
srp                    added, version 1.0.3

accounts-password: Password support for accounts


Smart Package

> meteor add accounts-twitter

Other Ways to Login? 

> meteor add accounts-google

> meteor add accounts-facebook

Smart Package - Accounts

  • An accounts system in the back-end that relies on an email and password for registration and logging in
  • Additional features include
    • account creation
    • email validation
    • password encryption (bcrypt) & recovery
    • login with OAuth providers like Facebook or Twitter


What about front-end??

  1. Write custom user interface for the sign-in page


Smart Package

> meteor add accounts-ui

D:\Research\meteor\leaderboard>meteor add accounts-ui

Changes to your project's package version selections:

accounts-ui           added, version 1.1.5
accounts-ui-unstyled  added, version 1.1.7
less                  added, version 1.0.14

accounts-ui: Simple templates to add login widgets to an app


Let's login...

    // this code only runs on the client

    // this code only runs on the client



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