collaboratively building a detailed visual map of your user's needs
Katie Lee
UX Lead, Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego
What is a User Story?
A User Story is...
1 + sentences in the everyday language of the user that captures what they do or need to do as part of their job function
Used with agile software development methodologies as the basis for defining the functions a business system must provide, and to facilitate requirements management
It captures the "who", "what" and "why" of a requirement in a simple, concise way (often limited in detail by what can be hand-written on a small paper notecard)
So, what is a User Story Map?
dynamic wireframing tool
Lots of detail
Puts user needs/action in CONTEXT
Little cost
Great for increasing stakeholder trust
Provides framework for easily transforming chunks into releases/sprints
Makes requirements lists more understandable to developers
Delivers a product that actually meets users' need
Katie Lee
UX Lead, Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego
UX Speakeasy
SDXD: San Diego Experience Design Professionals Network
User Story Mapping collaboratively building a detailed visual map of your user's needs Katie Lee UX Lead, Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego