CRISTIAN MORENO - Javascript Developer
Hugo + Github + Staticman = Blog
Ghost + Netlify + Staticman = Blog
Next.JS/Nuxt.js + Contenful + Zeit = Enterprise
Jekyll + DatoCMS/Forestry + Snipcart = Online Shop
Gatsby is a modern website development framework for creating fast and secure websites that can be deployed anywhere. Static HTML files are generated to create SEO-friendly markup that hydrates into a React.js-powered SPA once loaded in the browser.
Bring your data
CMS: Any Headless CMS, Contentful, WordPress, Drupal,, etc.
Data: Any APIs, Databases, AirTable, YAML, CSV, JSON, etc.
Markdown: Any Git-based CMS, Forestry, Netlify CMS, Blogs, Documentation.
Centralized data management
powered by GraphQL
Static Web Hosts & CDNs
Netlify, AWS Amplify, Zeit Now, Amazon S3,, Aerobatic, & many more.
1. Install the Gatsby CLI tool
2. Create a Gatsby project
3. Start the local dev server
npm install -g gatsby-cli
gatsby new gatsby-site
gatsby develop
Open http://localhost:8080
in your browser
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