Front End Web Development using React

Presented by

Vishal Das


A part of CSE443 Summer Training Course

Training Details


- What is Full Stack Web Development

- Traditional Web Dev vs Modern Js Web Dev

- Single page applications

- React and it's fundamentals

- Important points

- Conclusion

Traditional Web Development

Full Stack JavaScript Development

Basic features of React

  • Declarative:​ React makes it painless to create interactive UIs.
  • Component-Based:​ Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs.
  • JSX: ​ JSX can best be thought of as a markup syntax that very closely resembles HTML.It is
    more or less like the combination of JavaScript + XML.
  • Performance: ​ React uses one-way data binding with an application architecture called Flux

Single Page Applications

Web application or web site that fits in a single page

  • No need to reload the entire page

  • UX like a desktop/native application

  • Most resources are retrieved with a single page load

  • Redraw parts of the page when needed without requiring a full server round trip.

Single Page Applications

Some more important React features

  • Reactstrap (React + Bootstrap)
  • React Router
  • Components
  • React Redux
  • Flux Architecture

The Flux Architecture

It complements React's composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow.


  • React is an advanced library of JavaScript

  • Leverages many new concepts for developers

  • Is fast, easy and user friendly

  • Easy to manage

  • Learn once, write anywhere

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