Kotlin 1.3

What's new?

Kittinun Vantasin

About me

Mobile Enthusiastic 📱🍭

💖 Kotlin + Open source

Works at Merpay in Tokyo 🗼



About me

from wonderful land of smiles ☺️

loves thai food because it is yummy 😋

rides Tuktuk while in Bangkok 💨

Kotlin 1.3

2010  Started

2011  Revealed

Late 2012  OSS


Gain popularity


Hit 1.0


Hit 1.1

Late 2017

Hit 1.2


Hit 1.3

What's new?


Capture variable in local when scope

@JvmStatic & @JvmField in interfaces

fun main()

255 arity function

inline classes! + USignedTypes

consistent empty related functions



  Kotlin 1.2.71 or earlier
  Awesome Kotlin 1.3


  fun foo(s: String?) {
    s?.let {
      s.length // smart cast is here
    if (s.isNotNull()) {
      s?.length // no smart cast here :(

  fun String?.isNotNull() = this != null
  fun foo(s: String?) {
    s?.let {
      s.length // smart cast here

    if (isNotNull(s)) {
      s.length // also smart cast here

  fun isNotNull(value: Any?): Boolean {
    contract { returns(true) implies (value != null) }
    return value != null

Contracts cont.

  val myValue: String
  myRun {
    myValue = "Hello, World!"   // Error here ... :(
  fun <R> myRun(block: () -> R): R {
    return block()
  val myValue: String
  myRun {
    myValue = "Hello, World!"   // Woohoo it works!
  fun <R> myRun(block: () -> R): R {
    contract {
      callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    return block()

Capture when scope

  val answer = calculate()
  return when(answer) {
    42 -> "Right answer!"
    123 -> "ARGHHHHH!"
    else -> "Sorry, $answer is not correct"

  answer // I don't want to see you here


  return when(val answer = calculate()) {
    42 -> "Right answer!"
    123 -> "ARGHHHHH!"
    else -> "Sorry, $answer is not correct"

  //answer you are not being seen here

@JvmStatic & @JvmField 

interface Foo {
  companion object {
    val bar: Int = 42
    fun sayHello(name: String = "") {
      println("Hello, $name")

fun main() 

  fun main() {
    println("Hello, world")

  // compare to the full-blown version

  fun main(args : Array<String>) { 
    println("Hello, world") 


255 Arity function 

  fun onlyRealManCanUnderstandThis(
     block: (Any, Any, Any, /* 250 more */, Any, Any
  ) {
    block(Any(), Any(), /* 250 more */, Any(), Any())
  interface FunctionN<out R> : Function<R> {
    operator fun invoke(vararg args: Any?): R
    override val arity: Int

Inline classes!!

  class FirstNameInKana(n: String) 
  class LastNameInKana(n: String)

  fun formattedName(f: FirstName, l: LastName) {
    println("$l $f")


  typealias FirstName = String // OK, but meh :|
  typealias LastName = String // OK, but meh :|

  inline class FirstNameInKana(n: String) 
  inline class LastNameInKana(n: String)

  fun formattedName(f: FirstName, l: LastName) {
    println("$l $f")



Inline classes cont.

Must have a public constructor with a single val

No init block

Must be final

Cannot extend anything - implement interfaces OK

Cannot have any additional properties

Must be a top level class


UTypes FTW

  // Literal shortcode for UInt
  val aUInt: UInt = 3u
  val aULong: ULong = 3uL

  // And from Hex...
  val hexUByte: UByte = 0xFFu  // 255
  val hexUShort: UShort = 0xFFFFu  // 65535
  val hexUInt: UInt = 0xFFFF_FFFFu  // 4294967295
  val hexULong: ULong = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFu  // xD

Empty related func.

  fun calculateArray(): Array<Int>? {
    // some calculation


  val array = calculateArray()

  array.isNullOrEmpty() // ERRRAARGGHHH, there is none
  fun calculateArray(): Array<Int>? {
    // heavy calculation


  val array = calculateArray()

  if (array.isNullOrEmpty()) {
    // :) Joy
  val maybeArray: Array<T>

  val maybeCollection: Collection<T>

  val maybeMap: Map<T, U>

Empty related func.

  val listOfFeatures: List<String> = ...
  println(listOfFeatures.ifEmpty { 
     listOf("Default1", "Default2") 

  val townProvidedByUser: String = ...
  println(townProvidedByUser.ifBlank { "東京" })

Serialization Library

  data class Destination(
        val name: String? = "",
        val country : String? = "",
        val code : Int = 0,
        val isMetro : Boolean = false,
        val favorite : Boolean = false
  val tokyoAsString = JSON.stringify(
    Destination(name = "東京", country = "Japan") 
  ) // { "name":"東京","country":"Japan","code":0 }

  val tokyo = JSON.unquoted.parse<Destination>(
    "{ name:東京,country:Japan, code:12 }"
  ) // Destination(name = "東京", country = "Japan", code = 12)


The experimental feature is really experimenting!

They can be breaking for the next version! :)

How do you feel about 1.3?

Q & A

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