Your autosomal test data is about 700,000 lines of data in a spreadsheet so best to use tools to analyze it!
This will be a zipped file that you can later upload to other sites
* $19 for the full tools
**Only free until December 1,2018
To get the health results available in your DNA test results use this site (small fee)
You can get also determine your Y haplogroup from Prometheuse -
R1b aka R-M296 from
By User:Maulucioni via Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
Mitochondrial Haplogroup Map:
note the distinct Native American groups
My version of the J. Paul Hawthorne colorful ancestry chart, see
My known recent ancestry is 50% Norwegian, 25% Bavarian and 25% German Jewish
MyHeritage has a clever feature which shows the ethnic make up of modern day countries
Click on Ethnicities Map under DNA then select a continent and a country
MyHeritage Ancestry Composition, the overview
The recent update at Ancestry actually breaks down ethnicity by country
Kitty's current ethnicity at Ancestry
Ancestry Overview for Tester with one New Mexican Parent
Ancestry Overview for Tester with Deep American Roots
When you get an unexpected result
If there is something unexpected that cannot be explained by the current levels of inaccuracy
A jewish friend of mine had been told that her grandfather was a Hungarian nobleman
The second one has some Sephardic ancestors
Two Ashkenazi Jewish Friends
from Cece Moore's blog at
23andme Ancestry Overview Page - click on All Reports
Only 23andme and LivingDNA report your haplogroups.
There is much European haplogroup information at eupedia, see
Put your mouse on any 23andme ancestry to see just that ethnicity
You can change the confidence level, I use 70% ancestry composition for me and my brother
My brother at
For details of how to use the GEDmatch ancestry tools see
Newly found "DNA" cousins can help you with your genealogy
They may have family stories and photos you do not have
My 3rd 1R sent me photos of my gg-grandparents
Best to have a tree back to your g-g-grandparents (all 16) or your 3rd greats but the shared DNA is less beyond 3rd cousins
Other approaches are a DNA image on the photo or to use the suffix field to show the ancestors you share with DNA matches
Do I really have to look through thousands of matches?
(90cM and larger)
Do not be disheartened by lack of responses, some rarely log in
Also the app for tablets and phones does not show the messages icon
Use Family Tree Linking to connect your DNA results to your tree
Matches at ancestry. For some tips try
CINDY has an Ancestry Tree "Green Leaf" Match
Clicking on View Match for an "Unlinked Tree" gets a page that may have their tree
If you are very unlucky the tree might look like this one! Or it might not even be the right tree.
Sometimes you can figure out where they fit in from the shared matches
medBetterDNA is an extension which shows your notes on the match page among other features
Where is the 23andme Cousin Matching Page?
23andme Cousin Matches
Click through to a Match gets a long page with much information
The match page also
shows your population
break downs side by side
On the right side of the page is space where you can send a message to your DNA match
The match page shows a chromosome map of where the matching DNA is BUT there are no numbers here
At the bottom of the 23and me match everyone who matches both of you is listed and a YES indicates that there is overlapping DNA between these 3 people (automated triangulation)
Clicking that YES gets this, segment data (numbers) at bottom or on hover with your cursor over the segment
5 known cousins compared in ftDNA chromosome browser
Click the DNA tab, then DNA matches at MyHeritage
MyHeritage DNA Cousin Matching
MyHeritage Pedigree Display
MyHeritage DNA Chromosome Browser
MyHeritage DNA Shared matches shows each relationship to you and the other cousin
Triangulating segments shown at MyHeritage
more details at
Cousin matching via the "One to Many" tool at GEDmatch
Make a DNA chart from grandparents at
Watch the video from Blaine Bettinger on how to use DNApainter at
The latest and greatest mapping tool is at
Another new tool is automated clustering