Using the tools at GEDmatch
to look at Ancestry Composition
a free third party site for DNA test comparisons and more
by Kitty Cooper, blogging at

To Look at Ancestry Composition at GEDmatch
Note that it is called Admixture there
- All calculators are created by citizen scientists
- No admixture calculator can be guaranteed
- The results have a link to the creator's home page
- Click on Admixture (heritage) to see your choices
- Which one is best depends on where your ancestors are from

First you have to pick a AdMix Calculator
Start with the MDLP project World-22 calculator to get an overview

Once you choose a calculator you are presented with further options; note that the number at the end of each name is the number of reference populations the result is divided among

Admix Choices
- MDLP – world 22 - General
- Dodecad - General and Africa
- Eurogenes – best for Europeans, has some special extras (jewish, hunter gatherer)
- HarappaWorld – best for South Asia
- Ethiohelix – best for African, use Africa+French with European mixture

- North Europe does best in Eurogenes K12
- K13, the default, is good for most Europeans
- EU K15 is the latest and greatest
- Jtest will show you if you have any jewish ancestry
- The hunter gatherer versus farmer may amuse you

Jtest result for a 100% Ashkenazi Jewish person
East Med, Western Asian, and Middle Eastern all can be Ashkenazi too
Admix Summary
- The Eurogenes Jtest is only useful if you are not sure if you have any Jewish ancestry
- For European ancestry use a Eurogenes calculator
- For South Asian ancestry use the HarappaWorld calculator
- For African American use the African + French in the Ethiohelix calculator
- All are based on tested populations plus self reported ancestry
- No test is 100% accurate; this is an evolving science
N.B. The actual results pages will always have a list on the left with actual numbers as on that last slide.
Questions on the Admix Tools?
Next Slideshow is the Basics for Using GEDmatch:
GEDmatch: Ancestry Composition Tools
By Kitty Cooper
GEDmatch: Ancestry Composition Tools
Using the tools at GEDmatch to look at Ancestry Composition - Presentation by Kitty Cooper
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