How to Convert a PDF document to a Slides Presentation

Learn how to turn your PDFs into great looking Slides presentations so that you can present or share them on

PDF document icon and Slides logos

Create a presentation

Start by clicking the New deck button in the Slides header. Then click the Import PDF/PPT in the top right corner of the template selection popup.

The Slides presentation template selector component with the import button highlighted

Upload your PDF file

Next you will need to upload the PDF file you want to import. Click the green Select PDF/PPT button to open the file browser and select your document to start conversion.

The Slides editor interface with the import panel open

Configure your import

Next you'll see a preview of the slides you're importing. If there any pages you want to exclude, you can click on them to hide. Otherwise confirm the import to continue.

Import preview interface

All set!

You've now created a presentation with the content from your PDF document. From here you can go on to make further edits, add additional slides or present your content using our world class presentation mode.

The Slides editor interface with the imported slides

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