
What is an API?

  • Stand for "Application Programming Interface"
  • A set of protocols, routines and tools to build software
  • Allows 2 or more applications to talk to each other


  • Google Map
    • Used to embed Google Maps, works on mobile & desktop
  • YouTube
    • Lets you integrate videos and functionalities to a website
  • Twitter
    • Allows you to access core data and provides methods to interact with trends

What's the benefit

  • (usually) developer friendly
  • Easy accessible and understood broadly
  • Often a protection layer for security



  • Web
  • SOAP
  • RPC
    • XML
    • JSON
  • REST


Provides an interface for (Web) applications that need to connect to each other via the Internet to communicate


  • "Simple Object Access Protocol"
  • Requires a SOAP library on the end of the client
  • Not strongly supported by languages
  • All calls send through POST
  • Can be stateless or stateful
  • Most difficult to use for developers


  • "Remote Procedure Calls"
  • 2 types: XML-RPC & JSON-RPC
  • Requires users to know procedure names
  • Easy for developers to get started with
  • Specific parameters and order


  • "Representational State Transfer"
  • No library needed, typically uses HTTP
  • Returns data without exposing methods
  • Single resource for multiple actions
  • Supports any content-type (mostly XML & JSON)

How to start?


  • What type of API?
  • For who do you build the API?
  • Who will use the API?
  • What is the purpose of the API?
  • Why should someone use the API?
  • How will the API interact with existing services?
  • How will developers interact with the API?
  • How to maintain the API?
  • How to document properly?


REST more in depth

  • "REpresentational State Transfer"
  • An architectural style for network based software
  • Can take and return multiple content types
  • Terminology:
    • Stateless
    • URL
    • Resource
    • Collection
    • Endpoint
    • Request
    • Responses


  • After every request the server forgets everything, you client remembers your state
  • You introduce yourself every time over and over again


  • "Uniform Resource Locator"
  • The path to locate a resource to perform actions (methods) on it


  • An object (model) which has some associated data with it
    • employee
    • company
    • car
  • Can have a set of methods (actions) to operate on it e.g
    • GET: requests data from the resource
    • POST: requests the server to create a resource
    • PUT: update resource or create the resource
    • DELETE: speaks for itself


  • A group of resources
  • Example:
    • 10x employee => employees
    • 2x company => companies
    • 5x car => cars


Should contain resources and the method should define the action to be performed on a resource

// Endpoints, collection without action


// Methods/action to get the complete list per endpoint

GET /employees
GET /companies
GET /cars

// Methods to access one instance of a resource

// Shows the detail of employee number 20
GET /employees/20

// Deletes car number 100
DELETE /cars/100 

// Deletes employee 3 from company 5
DELETE /companies/5/employees/3 


  • Helps deciding what the response will be
  • Format request can be done through:
    • URL (2 options)
    • HTTP headers
// Requests using keys and values


// Format request (not recommended!)


// Format request to download (better!)


// See next slide for requests with HTTP headers (recommended!)
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml

HTTP headers

  • Makes transactions clear and explicit
  • Gives you proper information back in order to give a better response
  • Examples:
    • Accept
    • Accept-language
    • Cache-Control


  • After a request, you send back a response:
    • data
    • HTTP headers
      • Content-type
      • Last-modified
      • Status
// 1xx: Informational 
101: Switching to a newer protocol if there is an advantage.

// 2xx: Success 
200 OK: 
Standard response for successful HTTP requests.

201 Created: 
Successful creation occurred (via either POST or PUT).

204 No Content: 
The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.

// 3xx: Redirection
301 Moved Permanently: 
This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI.

// 4xx: Client error
400 Bad Request: 
The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax

401 Unauthorized: 
Error code response for missing or invalid authentication token

403 Forbidden: 
Error code for user not authorized to perform the operation or the resource is unavailable for some reason

404 Not Found:
Used when the requested resource is not found

// 5xx: Server error
501 Internal Server Error:
The general catch-all error when the server-side throws an exception.

502 Bad Gateway: 
The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.

REST in short:

  • Programmatic interface to logic and a data model (similar as building a website)
  • You have a URL and when you request that URL you get something back

Next up:

Design a REST API

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