
What is jQuery?

  • A lightweight JavaScript library
  • Uses in-built functions which makes developing fast

Introduction > What is jQuery?

How to use

  • Locally by downloading the library and include it in your HTML
  • Including the library directly into your HTML from CDN

Introduction > How to use

Important features

  • Cross-browser support
  • DOM manipulation
  • AJAX support
  • Animations
  • Event handling

Introduction > Important features


What is a selector?

  • A function that's using expressions to find matching elements
  • You can select 1 or more HTML elements
  • They start with a $ sign, also called factory function or jQuery function

Selectors > What is a selector?

Using selectors

Selectors > Using selectors

// Selecting elements matching a name

// Selecting a single element matching the ID

// Selects all elements matching the Class name

// Selects all available elements

// Selects a combination of selectors
$('article, p')
$('p strong, .classname')


A few methods

Attributes > A few methods

// Set a key/value as a property to all matching elements
selector.attr({property1:value1, property2:value2})
$('img').attr({ src: '/img/logo.jpg', alt: 'Company logo'});

// Remove an attribute from the matching elements

// Removes class from the set of matching elements

// Add a class if it's not presents and removes a class when it is present
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('').click(function () {


What is an event?

  • Actions that can be detected by your application
  • Once triggered, you can use a function, also called "Event handler"
  • Examples:
    • Mouse click
    • Submitting a form
    • Hovering over an element

Events > What is an event?

A few Event methods

Events > A few Event methods

// Preventing the browser from executing a default action

// Preventing any parent handlers being notified of an event

// Stops the handlers from being executed

A few Event Manipulation Methods

Events > A few Event Manipulation Methods

// Binds a handler to one or more events for matching elements or custom events
selector.bind(type, [data], fn)
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.btn').bind('click', function(event){
        alert('You just clicked on me!');

// Removing bound events from matching elements
selector.unbind([type], [fn])

// Creates a hover effect on an object
selector.hover(over, out)
$(document).ready(function() {
        function () {
            $(this).css({'border': '1px solid black'});
        function () {
            $(this).css({'border': '1px solid red'});

// Function will be executed when the DOM is ready

// To trigger an every on matching elements
selector.trigger(event, [data])


A few effects

Effects > A few effects

// Showing and hiding elements
[selector].show(speed, [callback]);
[selector].hide(speed, [callback]);

// Toggling the state of elements
[selector]..toggle([speed][, callback]);

// Fading in elements by adjusting opacity
selector.fadeIn(speed, [callback]);

// Fading out elements by adjusting opacity
selector.fadeOut(speed, [callback]);

// Example fadeIn and fadeOut
$(document).ready(function() {

        $(".block").fadeIn( 'slow', function(){ 
            $(".content").text('Fading in');

        $(".block").fadeOut( 'slow', function(){ 
            $(".content").text('Fading out');


What is AJAX?

  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • Can be used to load data from a server without refreshing the browser

AJAX > What is AJAX?

A few methods

AJAX > A few methods

// Loading data
[selector].load(URL, [data], [callback]);

// Parsing retuned JSON and making it available for a callback function
[selector].getJSON(URL, [data], [callback]);
$.getJSON('test.json', function(dev) {
    $('.developer').html('<p>Outcome: ' + + '</p>');
    $('.developer').html('<p>Outcome: ' + dev.age + '</p>');

// Setting up global settings for future AJAX requests
        url: "test.html"
    $.ajax( {
        success:function(data) {

A few events

AJAX > A few events

// Attach a function when a request is completed

// Attach a function when a request is a success

// Attach a function when a request is failed
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