
  • Stands for Model View Controller
  • Architectural pattern to organise your code
  • Core of every framework is a concept of pattern
  • Front-end & Back-end can work together without interfering either party


  • Also called "data layer"
  • Contains business logic for the application
  • Interface between an application and data
  • It processes data
  • Can have a relationship with a database


  • Also called "presentation layer"
  • Depends on the model to render data
  • Contains no business logic
  • Typically HTML, could be used for e.g. XML feeds


  • Also called "organization layer"
  • Coordinates the Model and View
  • Mediates UI interactions and updates to the model

The flow

  1. Data comes from the database to the Model

  2. Then from the Model to the Controller

  3. The Controller coordinates the Model van View. It handles user requests by implementing rules/logic.

  4. The Controller communicates with the Model to process data retrieval in storage which then provides the data back to the Controller.

  5. The Controller then sends the collected Model data to the View to render this


  1. A user clicks on a button or adds an item to the cart in the View
  2. The input gets handled by the Controller
  3. The Controller handles the logic, e.g. a callback and notifies the Model for changes/updates
  4. The Model updates where necessary and sends back the data
  5. The Controller sends this to the View for rendering
  6. The user sees the item added to the cart
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