

  • The scope is based on where it is defined
  • Defines the accessibility of the values and functions of your code
  • "The lifespan of a variable"

Scope > Introduction

Global scope

  • Variables outside a function
  • Can be accessed and changed in any other scope
  • Exists as long as your application runs

Scope > Global scope

// Variable in global scope
let globalVariable = 'Hello';


function functionName() {
    // The variable is accessible since the variable is in the global scope


// Output: Hello

Scope > Global scope > code example

Local scope

  • Variables inside a function
  • Variables with the same name can be used in different functions
  • Exists as long as your functions are being called and executed

Scope > Local scope

// Global scope
let firstName = 'John';

function firstFunction() {
    // Local scope
    let lastName = 'Doe';
    console.log(firstName + '' + lastName);

function secondFunction() {
    let greeting = 'Hi there!';
    return greeting;


Scope > Local scope > code example

Lexical scope

  • Also called "Static scope"
  • Child functions have access to resources of their parent scope

Scope > Lexical scope

function outerFunction(){
    if(true) {
        // x is accessible everywhere inside outerFunction() but not outside
        let x = 'Hi';
        console.log(y); // y is not accessible, returns a ReferenceError

    function nestedFunction(){
        if(true) {
            // y is accessible everywhere inside nestedFunction but not outside
            let y = 'Hello';
            console.log(x); // x is accessible, output: Hi

        if(true) {
            console.log(y); // y is accessible, output: Hello

        return nestedFunction;


Scope > Lexical scope > code example


  • Can access the variables in and arguments of the outer function
  • When a function can remember and access its lexical scope even when that function is executing outside its lexical scope
  • Has 3 scope chains:
    • access to its own scope
    • access to the outer function's variables
    • access to global variables

Scope > Closures

function person(firstName, lastName){

    ​let age = 19;

    // Inner function has access to the outer function
    function completePerson() {

        return firstName + ' ' + lastName + ' is ' + age;

    ​return completePerson();

person('John', 'Doe');

// Output: John Doe is 19

Scope > Closures > code example

function outerFunction(){
    let greeting = 'Hi';
    let counter = 1;

    function innerFunction(){
        if(counter === 1) {
        } else {
            console.log('Not equal to 1 anymore');

    return innerFunction;

let example = outerFunction();


Scope > Closures > code example 2

function counter() {
    let a = 2;
    let b = function() { 
        return a; 
    return b;

let c = counter();

console.log(c() + ' , ' + c());

Scope > Closures > code example 3

Block scope

  • Cuts down potential sources of bugs
  • Useful when you define temporary variables (e.g. in loops)
  • Var in a block scope is accessible outside the block scope
  • Let inside a block scope is only accessible inside that scope

Scope > Block scope

// Block scope inside if statement
if (10 == '10') {
    // statement here

// Block scope for the for loop
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    // code block here

// An empty object literal
var a = {}

// Undefined object
{ var a }

Scope > Block scope > code example

// A new block scope is created between the curly braces
if (true) {
  var foo = 'Foo';
  let bar = 'Bar';

console.log(foo); // Output: Foo

console.log(bar); // Output: ReferenceError: bar is not defined

Scope > Block scope > code example 2

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