By Korrie Powell

Q1 " In what ways does your media products use, forms and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

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In this I will use camtasia to compare  clips from my video against other videos that are of my genre to show the conventions I have used from them.

For  my ancillary I will use Thinglink to compare my work with real life examples.

I will also introduce theories that I have learn't like Vernallis and Goodwin.

Q2 " How effective is the combination of your main products (video) and ancillary texts (digipak) "

For this I will be using Moovly as I feel I represent what I am saying through this.

I will show how both of my media products relate to each other through synergy but having my video and screengrabs.

I will also show evidence that I have look back at my previous blog on synergy, and evaluate on how successful I think my product was when creating visual links.

Q3 "How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?"

 I plan to create a mind map explaining  the media technologies that I used.

I may also include a Bar chart explaining which media technologies I used most in each stages.

I will explain how each media technology helped me when I was working.

Q4 " What have I learnt from audience feedback?"

For this question I will use Finalcutpro/Camtasia  and make a short interview with myself talking about audience feedback.

I will incorporate screenshots from my audience feedback to help justify this.

I will include an interview asking a member from my target audience about my work.

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