By: Korvin Szanto
* Run a callback on each item in an array
function each(array $array, callable $callback) {
// Loop over items in an array and send them to a callback
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
$callback($item, $key);
// Pass back the given array
return $array;
// Create a finite list
$list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// For each item in the list, echo out the value
custom_each($list, function($value) {
echo "{$value} - ";
* Returns an array with values mapped through a callback
function custom_map(callable $callback, array $array) {
$results = [];
// Run all items in the array through a callable
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
// Store the result
$results[$key] = $callback($item);
// Return the mapped array
return $results;
// Create a finite list
$list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// For each item in the list, echo out the value
$mappedList = custom_map(function($value) {
return $value * 2;
}, $list);
// Output the mapped list as json
echo json_encode($mappedList);
* Filter an array through a callback
function custom_filter(array $array, callable $callback) {
$results = [];
// Run all items in the array through a callable
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
// Test the item with the filter callback
if ($callback($item)) {
// Store the result
$results[$key] = $item;
// Return the filtered array
return $results;
// Create a finite list
$list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// For each item in the list, echo out the value
$mappedList = custom_filter($list, function($value) {
// Check if the value is odd
return $value % 2;
// Output the mapped list as json
echo json_encode($mappedList);
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Map ids to the user inflate method
$inflateUsers = 'User::inflateByID';
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Map ids to the user inflate method
$inflateUsers = 'User::inflateByID';
// Ensure that we don't have any null values
$forceObjects = 'is_object';
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Map ids to the user inflate method
$inflateUsers = 'User::inflateByID';
// Ensure that we don't have any null values
$forceObjects = 'is_object';
// Filter out non-admins
$onlyAdmins = function(User $user) {
return $user->isAdmin();
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Map ids to the user inflate method
$inflateUsers = 'User::inflateByID';
// Ensure that we don't have any null values
$forceObjects = 'is_object';
// Filter out non-admins
$onlyAdmins = function(User $user) {
return $user->isAdmin();
// filter, map, filter, filter
$filtered = custom_filter($users, $forceNumeric);
$mapped = custom_map($inflateUsers, $filtered);
$filtered = custom_filter($mapped, $forceObjects);
$admins = custom_filter($filtered, $onlyAdmins);
// Make a list of user id's to check
$users = range(1, 20);
// Filter out non-numeric stuff
$forceNumeric = 'is_numeric';
// Map ids to the user inflate method
$inflateUsers = 'User::inflateByID';
// Ensure that we don't have any null values
$forceObjects = 'is_object';
// Filter out non-admins
$onlyAdmins = function(User $user) {
return $user->isAdmin();
// filter, map, filter, filter
$admins = custom_filter(
custom_filter($users, $forceNumeric)),
// filter, map, filter, filter
$admins = custom_filter(
custom_filter($users, $forceNumeric)),
// Turn our list into a Collection object
$users = new Collection($users);
// filter, map, filter, filter
$admins = $users
You start thinking...
* Returns an array with values mapped through a callback
function custom_map(callable $callback, iterable $array) {
$results = [];
// Run all items in the array through a callable
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
// Store the result
$results[$key] = $callback($item);
// Return the mapped array
return $results;
* Returns an array with values mapped through a callback
function custom_map(callable $callback, iterable $array) {
// Run all items in the array through a callable
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
// Yield the result
yield $key => $callback($item);
A function that contains a yield statement works differently
You can only iterate over them once
Once they "close" they cannot be reopened
Certain things are backwards
They require a lot of code to do simple things
When they get complex, you probably need multiple iterators instead of one
Wrapping your mind around how they iterate takes time
But.. PHP comes with a ton of them already
Iterators already solve a lot of our problems
in composer