T3 Joomla Framework

Hadji Kouceyla 

  • Master en IA (USTHB-2011)
  • Consultant / Formateur Web 
  • Certifié : HTML5, CSS3, PHP5, JS1.8
  • Other: 
    JS/jQuery, Json/Ajax, Web Responsive,
    Joomla, WordPress, Git

Joomla ?, T3 ?, Framework ? 

Why choose T3?

6 years in Joomla! Development CAN'T be wrong!

9 reasons why choose T3

Fully Responsive

9 reasons why choose T3

HTML5, Bootstrap and LESS

9 reasons why choose T3

2 starter themes

9 reasons why choose T3

Flat design

9 reasons why choose T3

Megamenu and Off-canvas

9 reasons why choose T3

Flexible layout system

9 reasons why choose T3

Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 native

9 reasons why choose T3

Real Time Theme Customization

9 reasons why choose T3

Font Awesome 3 & 4

Let's start with T3  


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