Krishna Regmi
Jeremiah Oertling
Kejia Jin

Laitram Overview

Global Company with over 1750 employees

The Beginning

Inventor James Martial Lapeyre revolutionized the 
shrimp processing and conveying industry

J.M.  :  191 US Patents
Intralox: over 700 Patents, 
                     over 1700 employees

started : 



1. Laitram Machinery
2. Intralox
3. Lapeyre Stair
4. Laitram Machine Shop

Laitram Machinery

Created World's first shrimp peeler in 1946

Lapeyre Stair

Laitram Machine Shop

State-of-the art Machining and inspection

Intralox Overview

Design and Manufacture 
Modular Plastic Conveyer Belt

Company Overview

Company Formed around creating VALUE

win!!               win!!              win!! 
Customer  - Company - Employee

What do Engineers Do?

Invent our technology


What do Engineers do?

Prototype the idea


What do Engineers do?

Simulate and Physical testing

What do Engineers do?

Patent the Technology

What do Engineers do?

Manufacturing and Automation

What do Engineers do?


Team Model

Engineers are split into 'autonomous' 
teams based on what industry they are serving

Any Questions?


how long will a conveyor belt  last?


Stress = Akyuzlu's Thermo Lab
Stress = F/A

S-N Curve

Question (Cellphone use OK)

S-N Curve for Alloy Ahoy
Stress        N
10,000       300
8,000        720
5,000        50,000   

- If the Alloy Ahoy sees 8000 Psi of Stress on tension every cycle of operation, and each operation takes 1 hour, how may days will the Alloy Ahoy be operational before it fails?

Easy Use Case

A Module is pulled in the lab repetitively at a load that results in 8000 Psi. How many cycles will it last?

If 1 cycles takes 1 hour, how long will the belt last before it breaks?

Intermediate Complication

A belt is put in the field, and pulls 100 lbs of CHICKEN. The resulting stress (using FEA) comes out to be 8000 Psi. How long will the belt last? 

If the belt runs for 8 hours every day, how many days will the belt last before you have to replace it?


A Belt running in a coke plant is used to 

  • Coke Can (16 ounces)
  • Pepsi (20 ounces)
  • Jumbo Coke (24 ounces

Coke - 5,000 Psi, Pepsi - 8,000 Psi, Jumbo - 10,000 Psi

Each run for 8 hours every day

Real Life

A Belt running in a coke plant is used to 

  • Coke Can (16 ounces)
  • Pepsi (20 ounces)
  • Jumbo Coke (24 ounces

Coke - 5,000 Psi, Pepsi - 8,000 Psi, Jumbo - 10,000 Psi

10,000 12-packs of coke, 80,000 boxes of Jumbo, and 50,000 12-packs of Pepsi
1 Hour startup time every day, 2 - 8 hour shifts, and off in the weekends.

Work for Intralox

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