Docker Management for Humans
An open-source project
that makes deploying complex containerized apps
as easy as Drag-and-Drop
A lot of different technology is used to create multi-container applications
Fig, etcd, systemd, fleet, kubernetes, mesos, helios, ambassador, discovered, consul, consulate, registrator, SkyDNS, libswarm, ...
To deploy applications on CoreOS
You have to do a lot of legwork yourself
You have to figure out etcd, systemd, and fleet command
Panamax is taking advantage of that entire system without having to learn all those different technologies.
리눅스 서비스 매니저
Docker 컨네이너 실행
분산 키-값 (Distributed Key-Value) 저장소
클러스터의 설정 값과 노드 정보를 저장, 공유
etcd와 systemd를 이용한 분산 서비스 실행 시스템
systemd는 local 서비스 관리 시스템이라면
fleet은 원격에서 여러 서버에 서비스를 실행
On top of fleet is Panamax and
Panamax is used to control it,
but it's also part of it
Panamax are containers
running within the CoreOS system
that control the CoreOS system
Panamax API Specifications
Panamax API interacts with APIs on the local system to launch and gather info about applications
Panamax API Specifications
External APIs used to query the Docker hub and collect usage metircs
Install Panamax Client
Install Panamax Remote Agent